RDA| Part I: The Final Ritual

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The books containing many questionable rituals and powerful spells are hidden from mankind. No one dared and wanted to find them. They don't even need them, accepting their fate as humans. Those who tried to find them are messed up and power-hungry. They were slaughtered in their pilgrimage or blown into agonizing bits by the books' immense power. There was a doubt that these books were written by humans.

I wanted to go and find them. They were not hidden on Earth. They were on another plane of existence. There are portals and weak spots in the world that you can pass through.

But the only way to get to that plane is by standing by a portal and mortally wounding yourself. How can I tell if there is a portal? Portals give off so much energy that it feels like we're transcending, but when we move away from it, our energy crashes worse than the first high. I know this because my grandpa wanted to find those books and he stole one. He survived many wars and neglect. He brought it back to the mortal world. He tried to use it, but his fragile body blew into pieces. His ghost told me about it. The books teleport back into the plane if the thief was killed. He knew about my troubles.

My mother always beat the crap out of me. She smells strongly of liquor, which is enough to get someone tipsy. Her flesh is covered in infected holes. She always covered them with long clothes. Her hair was ragged and knotted. She was a much healthier and better-looking mother back then, yet her behavior was still nasty. How did my step-father, Oliver Mason, decide to marry her after my father divorced her? He was a perfect match for her, but much worse. He gave me menacing vibes that my mother ignored. It didn't take long for him to satisfy his pleasures upon me. My mother didn't care and was ignorant.

"Boys don't get raped, only girls do," she once said to me.

"But you came in and saw what was happening!" I argued, "Are you blind?"

"He just shows how much he loves you as his step-father. How will you not appreciate him?" She replied in an offended tone.

"A father's way of love?" I replied back snarkily, "Bull-shit! My actual father would never do that!"

My mother blew up in my face, "Markus Kileen Joe, your father was a complete fool and never appreciated me as a woman! When will you get that into your head?!"


She slapped me across my face. I tumbled to the floor. I was already weak due to malnourishment. She started to beat me until I could no longer move. She kept repeating to me to accept Oliver as my new damn father and be happy with it. Oliver was watching this unfold. His arms folded with a cold look upon his face. I knew his mind had perverted punishments waiting for me. The rest of the night was like hell for me. I'm only thankful that he is out of the house most of the damn time.

My step-brothers, Collin and Scott did not accept me as a family. They didn't beg their parents to stop hurting me. They didn't call the police. They just watched like it was their daily shit-show. They're eleven and emotionless. They do tell my mother what I did just to see what happens next. What did Oliver do to them to make them that way? My half-sister, Alicia, never witnessed anything happening and is always cooped up in her dainty little room.

School was no escape. I was bullied. My grades plummeted. I had to stay back for a year. I'm supposed to be a senior this year, but I'm an eighteen-year-old junior. I am going to pass this time and once I graduate from college, I am going to move out of my damn household. The school turned against me after my mother told them that I was a liar and she always treated me right. CPS was on her side too and left. I wanted to be free. Self-harming didn't make me feel better either. My mind grew a sadistic part of me. A side that I never thought would emerge.

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