WG| Chapter XI: Billions of Years

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A universe older than our own. We are here in it. The universe is around fifty billion years old. It's still active with star and galactic clusters, planets, and solar systems. There are stars much bigger than the Quasi-stars in our own universe when it was young. There are Gods in this one, too many. All their power varies. Gods that can travel universes without any mana wasted, Gods that can use the universe's power, and all of them are stronger than mortals.

Verantuvia is one of the three planets in its multi-star system. Two stars orbit side by side with each other while the other two take much longer to come back. The two stars in the sky are Roedie, the orange star, and Auta, the smaller white star. Ourdera, the blue star in the system, returns once a year. Menisien, a Quasi-star that changes colors, comes around every 100 years. Menisen changes color because the Gods wanted a party star, so they bless it with color changes without changing the temperature of the star. All three planets have been around two billion years before settlement. The stars' rays made them inhabitable. That didn't stop the Gods from creating a shield upon Verantuvia, Yemen, and Dian and altering the planets' composition, so life can flourish. They called it a home.

Part 1: Gods' Choice of Civilization

The Gods in Verantuvia are Forgison, Lady of All Kind, Ablen, Seril, Bracus, Netedinark, and Cocoa. Forgison wanted a challenge on ruling upon the highest and coldest mountains close to the north pole of Verantuvia. He called his empire Ferilocks. As the earliest Verantuvians settled there, they struggled to adapt, but Forgison was confident enough.

Ferils eventually adapted after thousands of years of evolution. They were durable to the cold, had higher immunity, and were phenomenal climbers. Their skin was the toughest of all the toughest. Tales across the world said that their blood was solid. Some of them developed the power of ice, mine with their bare hands, sticky hands to climb the mountains with ease even with the snow. Their buildings were immune to avalanches. The wave of hostile snow and ice rushes past it like a boulder in the river.

"This is beautiful," Forgison said with subtle pride, "I didn't give up on them and they didn't give up on me."

"How are they punching through the stones on the icy cold mountains?" Cocoa asked.

"There are Ferils that grow the strength of the land itself and see within the coldest of stones in mountains," Forgison explained.

"That'll come in handy."

Ablen fostered his empire, Phirus, in the southern region of the planet. Phirus grew quickly, one of the heaviest populations on the planet. He had to cast a spell for animals and fields to keep them forever soiled to feed the ever-growing population. They had to live in small, but livable spaces compared to the other empires.

"The growing rates of the population concern me. I cast higher fertility for animals and crop fields to help keep pace with the demands. Phirusians might have to make more adjustments to deal with the dense populations," Ablen stated.

"How about a genoc-?"

"Don't even say that, Seril," Ablen cutted him off.

Lady of All Kind created Evanity upon the massive islands in the ocean. They were isolated like Ferilocks. The islands had all the resources they needed to thrive and survive in the early stages of settlement.

Bracus created Gaeriescelleh in the largest forest region in the west of Verantuvia. He wanted his people to be close to nature and adapt to it with little to no harm to it. Unlike Evanity, Ferilocks, and Phirus, Gaeriscelleh developed separate humanoid species.

Fai: The fairies in the brightest of villages near the edges of Gaeriescelleh. They didn't have their energetic wings yet, only colorful appearances. They tried to determine personality for each color, but it was proven to be false. Bracus didn't believe in that either.

Morphans: Wolf shapeshifters. They were the same size as Earth's wolves with similar fur. They were also less fearsome during the time of early development.

Elfan (Also called Elvans): The elves in the deeper forests, where light is less there. They have pointy ears, but nothing special about them. They build their houses high to collect the hidden fruits on top of the large trees. These fruits give them the vitamins and nutrients needed for health and survival.

Archen: The vampiric species. They lived in the deeper ends of the forest. They were immune to starlight and lived in packs. They didn't settle in the same place for a long time; they had no home. They were excellent at climbing and hopping trees, making them fast. The Archen don't thrive off of blood, but a Jorik fruit that forms in the cooler and darker areas of Gaeriscelleh. Jorik is a pitch black fruit with red dots that looks like a strawberry. It grows in colder areas of the trees, the wet ground, and underground. They check cave systems as well.

Netedinark's Teketa is east of Gaeriscelleh, south of Ferilocks. From the downward northern winds, Teketa was cooler. Teketa built their civilization like giant dark hives. Like Gaeriscelleh, Teketa also had diverse species.

Etouka: The mutts. They were considered the palest and the slimiest, crawling on all fours, and have sharp teeth all around their mouths. They were blind and could only sense their kind by frequency reading. Etouka has a higher frequency sensor, making it able to detect Teketa within 100 meters. 25% of the Teketa are Etouka mutts.

Kateta was the darkest of the Teketa with their skin that could switch from coarse and grating to slimy and smooth. It helped them with squeezing through tight places. No power. They were 65% of the population.

Queeneta, also known as queens, were the only reproducing species for the Teketa. They reproduced any type of species without a mate. Their bodies were thicker than a Kateta and bellies were slightly plumped with a gray plaque on their heads. Their eyes were ruby oblate spheres. They took up 15% of the population. This was to prevent dense populations.

Reveta were regarded as the Veiled in the population. They did have a humanoid body, but it was covered in veils that were part of its skin. They were either gray or darker in color, sometimes hard to see in the naked eye. They were the quietest and the tallest. Revetas are responsible for killing Queenetas due to their larger bodies. They took up 5% of the population.

"They look very close to you, Netedinark," commented Bracus, stunned by their appearances.

"I revealed myself to them," Netedinark replied casually.

"You love to reveal yourself way early."

"While yours believed you don't exist," he teased.

"They only hear my voice."

Seril's land, Jurusai, settled east of Teketa. Cocoa was there to observe Seril because Seril broke laws in the Cosmic Order regarding mortal civilization. He had been given another chance, but under probation. Jurusai settled at the lowest elevation in Verantuvia, which was 1000 feet below sea level. The planet's molten bottom layers created many geysers, bubbly ponds, and hot water. They adapted to the hottest of waters. They used this hot water to bathe, clean, boil, and cook food. Jurians built small huts due to unpredictable geyser explosions, which can form at any moment, destroying their huts.

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