WG| Chapter XXXV: Uedie

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My vision went non-existent as I thrash around to shake the grip. One second, I was in a man's warm arms. Next, I am in a cold coarse one. I cannot win at all. "Let me go! Let me go!" I screech at the man of the abyss. He shoves me onto the sub-zero ground. I cry silently as my vision returns not to Netedinark's ruined palace, but in a different world. The world is much more ruined than the first one. The architecture is similar to the gallery in Netedinark's palace. The white stonish build with skeletons all around it emits radiation. There's smoke all around us and that has been going on for many years. It's cold and breezy. There's no star, just endless twinkles of tiny stars all around me. They are too far away to be colourful.

"Such a keeper," I gasp to Netedinark's ghoulishly voice. His voice is subtle as a ladder drilled into the Earth.

I spin around. "What is this place?" I demand, but I fail as a nervous wreck, "Is this Uedie?"

"You wanted to know what Uedie, my previous world, Naomi, isn't it that right?"

"You could've told me."

"There's too much of it." More like you wanted to torture me again.

I look around. "You once ruled this place?" I ask him.

"All of it," he replies with sad confidence.

This place looks a lot better than Teketa. "Not gonna lie, this place looked great," I admit. He grins.

My body is split into four quarters. A quarter of me wants to stop him from attacking me. The next quarter is telling me to shut the heck up. The third quarter of me wants to get out of here. The last quarter still has that fight in me, but is holding back. It's more split than Markus's internal battle with his wrath.

My body shifts further away from him. Don't even think about becoming friends with me after what you've done! I will never forgive you and don't get any closer or I will burn your throat to bits! I can literally feel my expressions tighten into a scowl. There's no way I am hiding my emotions beneath an endless sea of coldness. In fact, my throat is dry and swelling up from the presence of him. Any minute now and my vocal cords will slam shut and I won't be able to breathe and talk. It will be a cruel respiratory failure that ends me, not him.

A flash of oblivion radiates from Netedinark as he casts a vision around us. Many story buildings with spherical structures. Buildings are full of whimsical colours, instead of a dark hive with light. It's brighter than Teketa. The species that lived here are dressed in bright clothing, something I see in fantasy high priest movies, games, and stories with photos. They dally amongst each other.

"It was before the Cosmos Order was established," says Netedinark behind me before the visions fade away back to ruins.

"Cosmic what? I am not from around here, y'know?" I did sound a bit snippy on that one, but it's too late to withdraw that.

"Long ago, there was a universe war between Gods. There used to be so many Gods that it was hard to keep control. There's no balance and the Gods took whatever they pleased." Another oblivion vision hits me. I look up and see the past. There were planets near Uedie and light-years away. I saw the bright lights, indicating the advanced civilizations that had developed.

"But some of them were too rambunctious; they would hop around, trying to claim them. This caused the bloodiest war. There were Gods that wanted to summon order and there were Gods that loved feeling the thrill of destroying a planet. They didn't care about their people. The tension was too much." I watched the planets turn red and explode into billions of bits with trees, people, buildings, and rocks on them, doomed to drift into space.

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