WG| Chapter XXXII: Cosmic Order

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The auroras bounce back upon our bedroom's window sill. It goes everywhere as Bracus intended it to be. He loves the aurora during the night sky; his favourite time of day. The green shines behind Bracus as he embraces me like he always does before goodnight. It gives a peaceful radiance off of him. Tonight, he decided to pick his human form. I am used to any of his forms now.

"It's already been months since you've got here, my love," he says in a soft low voice.

I smile as I scratch the side of the neck. He likes it a lot even when not in Morphan form. I murmur, "Our time on Earth was short as it was written." My voice almost comes as a purr. We both kiss and we cuddle one more time before we lie down together in this large bed. His bed is me lying in the bed with the softest of furs. The mattress hugs me in its comfort. The sheets are cream white with brown lines dashing around in them.

Hours went by into our peaceful slumber or so I thought. Bracus tosses and turns quite frequently. He does a lot when we sleep together. He gets out of the bed with a heavy sigh. I open my eyes and look at him. I ask in a sleepy voice, "Are you okay?"

He winces at me, realising he woken me up, "Sorry, Domin, I can't sleep."

I nod. I go, "You do this a lot in bed."

He sighs again. "It feels weird to lie down. I never sat or slept before you came here."

I chuckle at his response. I retort, "What is this bed for then?"

His next reply sends me into a fit of laughter: "To make my citizens think I am normal and need sleep. I just leave it there, so do the thrones. I haven't used it."

"What you should've done is open it to the public and let people venture out what they can do in this be-," that sounds wrong,"Uh, make them get these ideas of royalty."

Bracus raises his brow in scepticism, knowing I have been caught. He then smirks while his finger makes circular motions. He implies, "I've heard what you said before you changed it."

"Sorry, Earth mindset hasn't left," I fumble out in one breath. I thought it was gone. I divert the topic back to where we started, "We don't have to sleep right now, but we can lie down and talk to each other."

Bracus agrees and he comes back to bed. He lies on his back, resting his hands on his abdomen. I scoot in closer and wrap my arm in front of him. My head rests upon the shoulder. I can hear his steady breaths.

"So what did you give to Naomi?" He asks me awkwardly.

"Vacation on the beach," I said to him.

"Oooohhh-Kay," he sounds, perturbed by my action.

"Is it okay?"

"No one ever goes to the beaches," he states, "My people like the woods."

I grin. I whisper back, "Humans like beaches."

Now his face beams with understanding. He puts an arm around me, inviting me to come closer. Our body heat is another layer of an invisible blanket.

I utter out, "I can't comprehend what Netedinark did to her."

He frustratedly breathes with that name being mentioned. "Me either. He is digging himself deeper than The Great Heat's mantle plume."


"An extinction event caused by flooding lava."

I guess they have their own volcanic history just like the Siberian Traps. In the far future, maybe at the door of tomorrow, another natural disaster would break the surface and cause another extinction event. I sit up a bit and stare him down. I ask, "Bracus, are there any rules in this universe that Gods must follow?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Is Netedinark breaking any of them?"

He nods with a sinister grin. His smile chills me enough to get me lightheaded.

"How come they haven't stopped him yet?"

He chuckles at his own thoughts. "Oh, Dominique, I am not a full-on God of Vigilance that will kill another God upon breaking a rule. Sure, it's best to defend because he constantly sends attacks. Gods with many routes in their thoughts will watch the fool break more laws that will punish him beyond exile and will thrash hard if they return. You are eligible to be informed about the Cosmic Order due to your status, but promise me not to tell your companions until the end of this fiasco."

I promise him. This is when the new rules appear.

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