WG| Chapter XI: Billions of Years

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Part 3: The Big Boom- Blesses & Technology

20,000 years passed by and the empires were going swell. The population passed the amount prior to the Great Heat. This is when empires began to advance through technology and blessings. According to the Cosmic Order, A Blessing is different from an Ascension. A Blessing is a gift from God to a civilization or a person. This gift can help advance civilization or protect them from outside forces. Ascension is power from a God to a mortal, giving them immortality and Godhood.

"You are making it sound like history class," I remark.

"I can curse you to see the past," Forgison replies, his voice close to a warning, "A curse will give you immortality too, but forever suffering."

"No, I don't need that."


Evanitarians discovered a white hard ore called Phitalite while mining. It has the ability to clone itself and any objects it comes in contact with. They used it to create more resources and goods without producing pollution. Netalite was discovered three months later, a glowing blue gem that can project and mold to the person's liking even to their own bodies. Out of all the empires, Evanity advanced more than all the rest. They progressed their bodies to live longer and healthier. They used it to change their bodies. Hence, they look like beautiful cyborgs or the person they dreamed of. They erected environmental skyscrapers that grow plants and flowers around them. Their waterfalls were breathtaking to all of Verantuvia.

"People of Evanity, I politely ask you to not use these gems in an unrealistic manner. You may not entirely donate your body to Phitalite and Netalite and become a full machine. Anything that provokes disturbance to people around you is not allowed. I'd admire the advances you all fostered around it. Don't use it for destruction, nor malevolent purposes. You're not going to go that far and I warned you that," Lady of All Kind gave a speech to Evanity.

Ferilocks kept their natural ways, but they used the material that Evanity discovered to help scan for resources deep within the mountains. They also helped establish better communication with the empires and better technology that is immune to dangerously freezing temperatures.

Phirus was once again the most populated out of all the empires. The number of bodies made the city warmer than usual. Therefore, they often wear loose wool clothing. Ablen expanded the empire twice its size. They developed floating cities in the air to cope with the heavy population. Ablen gave Phirus a gift- A rag that is tied into a cape, a large bracelet, and a hairband that gives them some resistance to gravity. They could jump higher and also could fly longer distances.

"So parkour masters?" I ask him.

"Indeed, they are. They like jumping on stuff to see who can get the highest. They are even brave enough to jump off Evanity's skyscrapers and our mountains. They fly fast too."

"How high are these floating cities?"

"Close to the clouds," Forgison replies.

"Will they be able to go into space?"

"If they are daringly so, but I am sure Ablen won't allow that."

"Ah-Good. I guess."

Gaeriscelleh wanted to stick close to nature rather than a skyscraper city. The villages remained. To even out the playing field, Bracus blessed them with magic from an empty box like a fine prank. The Fai grew their wings, Morphans became larger and scarier, Elfan became enhanced wizards, and Archens became dark creatures. Gaeriscelleh became the most fearsome empire. Magical Blessings do change the population of a mortal's anatomy; the Cosmic Order only allows one Blessing per civilization.

Bracus morphed into a Morphan that could stand on two feet. He finally manifested to his citizens. He gave them their magic just as he morphs.

"I am your ruler. With your survival and embracing of the planet, you changed my heart. You are now my favorites and I bestow you all with magic," Bracus announced. Since they knew what Bracus looked like, they built a castle in the middle of Gaeriscelleh.

Teketa didn't accept the new advancements. They made the forest look more ominous and dark with no leaves sprouting on top, replaced by hive cities with bridges. Netedinark's palace was constructed in the northeast of the territory. Netedinark gave them magic too, but the Revetas are the ones that harness most of it. The Queenetas were able to withstand painful births. Kateta grew branch-like tendrils just like Netedinark.

"Those ones look like a spitting image of you, but smaller," Bracus said to Netedinark, a mixture of scrutiny and amazement. Probably feign.

"The lands were given magic too, Bracus. The branches grew part of them given from the trees," Netedinark said calmly.

"Probably too much. You need to be careful about that."

"I am," Netedinark quickly responded, "Why do you look like your Morphans, but more ridiculous?"

"Because I wanted to be part of them now, not some invisible being lurking."

"Took you long enough. Your last civilization didn't get that treatment. What made you change?"

"Something just clicked, Netedinark. They are different from my other civilizations that desire what I just appear and compulsively obey. Gaeriscelleh wanted to be with nature and I didn't order them to."

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