WG| Chapter XL: New Lords

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Day 170

The same feeling during the time of Ivelisse's possession was here again, but inside this conference room. I gently tap my finger upon the wooden table while the other royals are panicking. It feels that they are rushing to find a new lord. I don't understand why Markus, Aelen, and I are in this meeting room because we're not royals on this planet. Why are we here? Why am I here? Is the doorway opened to everyone that they trust to become royal even though I know them only for a half a year?

"We need a new Lord for Teketa asap," Dominique stressfully demands, "Cosmic Order wants us to get one."

"If Netedinark hadn't broken any laws when he forsook his throne, Teketa would've gotten a new ruler by now. Gods want a pure civilization than a tainted one," states Ablen.

"They dread cleaning another God's mess," Forgison clarifies.

"It has to be the one that knows Verantuvia," Bracus prioritises.

"What will happen if no God will be the Lord?" I ask, "Can it be a mortal?"

"Should a Teketa be placed as ruler?" Aelen asks. My questions go unanswered. I try to remain composed with my hands on the table before I have to catch my head from sleeping.

"Aelen, Teketa has been conformed to military and war. If one of them decides to become the new Lord, this will never end," I inform.

"We need a God to inspire evolution too," Forgision adds.

"Yeah, but who is going to- That is the question," says Dominique.

"How about we let Teketa pick?" Valor suggests.

"We can, but we need to find the Gods who will."

I mutter with reluctance, "Maybe I will... I have experience with Teketa. I want to help them again," But this time, without them getting killed by a maniac ruler. Everyone looks at me. I didn't say it quietly enough. Crap.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Naomi?" Dominique asks me, concerning my well-being.


"Do you know about politics and governance, Nao?" Aelen intrudes.

Why the bloody hell did he say that? My face tightens. "Yes, I do," I say flatly, "The ways of government. Do you want power all for yourself or help the people?"

"Can it be both for once?" Markus asks while rolling his eyes with great annoyance, "Use power for people's good."

"Nah, Markus, power seems more attractive than people to human politicians nowadays," Aelen grimaces. I grin at his statement. He goes, "I went from a daemon, an almost God being. My ancestors ruled many times and taught me the advice of authority. I should be Teketa's new ruler."

"Course, it is," Markus mumbles.

"Focus," Bracus comes back in, "Teketa needs plenty of help to get back on its feet and the empire itself thereafter. You two can work together. While you work on the inside, we will help you from the outside."

That sounds sooooooo familiar, and I hate it, but for once, I am not spying on the enemy; I will be improving the enemy.

"We will announce you two will be the new Lords for Teketa at Blathnaid's coronation," Bracus states, "You two better get your butts to work."

There are so many problems ruling the empire and that is the following:

How to start off.

How to keep it afloat and what to do in dire situations.

How to keep its people from wanting to assassinate you or overthrow you?

Gum is stuck in my brain, preventing me from grinding my gears as I walk with Aelen. My palms are sweaty and my head is a hornet's nest in disarray. My brain is a big giant mess right now and doesn't know what to think. Still, I am not backing down. Aelen can help me. I am not alone in this. It's going to take me some time to adjust to my new life. I still have sizable hope left to believe that I will be the decent Teketa Lord that the people need.

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