OUET| Chapter I: Five Years Later

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The Teketa's military was laid off until the empire got mostly everything organised. It's been five years since Netedinark lost his throne. Aelen and I became its new lords. He broke the laws in the universe. This universe has more gods than the gods known in our own universe, where Earth resides. Phirus, Evanity, Gaeriscelleh, Yanmaham, Etison, Titane, and Jersome helped Teketa get back on its feet while providing troops to help with protection.

Everything has been decimated by Markus's attack when he went nuts. I offered them a new start, removed all the burnt rubble, and gave them house material. They stayed nights in tents until houses were situated. In return, I would plant the trees and they could build their houses as they saw fit. I learned the Teketa used to live in their own houses until Netedinark and the admirals took over housing and reassigned them. We allowed them to use any resources outside of the empire. They didn't have to worry about war and the military until after we were finished. Blathnaid, Queen of Evanity, has explained to them on how the Phitalite and Netalite worked. They were all overwhelmed because they went from citizens with no outside help to receiving knowledge beyond their territories. I went as far as showing them other empires and giving them inspiration on what to build.

"You're going all out, aren't you?" Aelen asked me, seeing what I had done.

"I want to give them my best," I replied to him. He was pleased to hear that.

Aelen was the one who decided to lay off the military and give deprogramming rehabilitation for the Teketa from Netedinark's reign. He reworked the government, adding new ranks for justice and congress. War was all they knew. Battling strategies was all they knew. Those who survived needed therapy from scarring, which was all of them. Gaeriscelleh has helped us plenty with that. Aelen redesigned the laws to have the people have their say and prevent us from becoming despots. I am feeling like I am living in England again, but we are the one who makes the law. What Blathnaid would say, "And we're not going to break it." As for Netedinark's palace, well, it was destroyed. I didn't want a palace to show that I rule until Aelen pestered me into giving in.

"We don't need a big palace. It will be heinous to clean and I don't want maids. Why need a house that big because we are not having a thousand babies," I told him off.

"We want to show other palaces that we have power, Nao. They are very beautiful and we can design them to our liking. Besides, imagine all the good rooms we can add."

"Like hell are we going to use them all," I said while shaking my head.

"We can open it to all the Teketa. They can work for us in the palace and they also can have fun within the palace, Nao."

"Can we focus this on after we rebuild the homes lost?"

"Where are we going to sleep then, Nao?"

"Outside. I will build a tent. We'll watch the auroras."

"Your call."

Therefore, we slept in separate tents.

Teketa is not the same empire as it used to be. After five years, it looks much different. After Teketa was rebuilt, the castle was constructed. Aelen and I didn't want Netedinark's type of castle; we can see some colour and beauty. With Forgison's help, we built the castle upon the hill and surrounded by trees. Teketa is mostly flat with minor hills here and there, so we wanted to add more beauty to it. The hill resembles an extinct volcano. Our castle is within the crater, surrounded by water that rivers into the empire below without flooding any Teketa's homes. The river goes out into the ocean. Bracus granted us permission to extend the rivers to the sea because overall, his land is a peninsula.

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