WG| Chapter XIII: Plans Ruined

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Many cuss and swear words blast out of my mouth as I pace around in my room. I can't believe this has been happening. I don't want to be Queen! I just want to go home and resume the coven like normal! Again, why did Lady of All Kind pick me?! I don't want to be part of this long line of royalty. I am so unfit to be queen. I need to talk to Markus. Better yet, complain to Markus. I got up and left my room. Bracus and the others are still outside partying. Ourdera has joined the festival. I don't want to see her. I am not frustrated, but nerves are firing off like fireworks. Markus has returned to his room. Knowing what floor he is on, I request access to it.

Impatience comes out of me with eager hops. It feels like minutes, but only moments before someone finally answers. It's the little fox girl. Her mask is off, revealing her orange mermaid eyes. You get the taste of the sea and the land with her kind, whatever her species might be. Forgison must've limited the festivities with her. Parenting must be similar to Earth after all.

"Hello!" She greets.

"Hey, is Markus here?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No, I think he's outside," she answers.

What? He didn't say that. Where did we go?

I shrug and say, "Alright, thanks!" before leaving.

The difference between Naomi and Markus is that Naomi I can trace. With Markus, I can't pinpoint where on Verant- I don't know what the planet is called. I can't feel him far, nor close. I am not searching for him at the party or spending hours of my night in ghost mode.

I sigh heavily when I get back onto my floor. This festival isn't going as I originally thought it would be.

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