WG| Chapter XXVII: Emergency Rescue

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Part 4: Naomi


Bracus and I roam the dark hallways, navigating to find Naomi's location. The last time the gem located her was at her father's cell before she was knocked offline. We searched everywhere in the classified section and broke into rooms to find her. Bracus and I beat the Teketa that try to attack us. She's not been found.

"She's not in this section," I distress.

Bracus pulls up the blue gem from his forehead, scanning through Naomi's memories.

"Can she be at the palace's auditorium?" I ask, "Her memories show public torture there."

The savages in this place...

"We can try."

We begin to rush around, killing guards that come in our way. Bracus and I are unstoppable.

I sigh. "I wish that Netedinark will get publicly tortured for this," I growl.

"I agree," he replies. His voice turns harsh, "That will be Ourdera's job."

"Blathnaid might do the honours next," I add in.

He shrugs. "Maybe."

We head into the Warzai room. Ugh, a very large school auditorium, but with darker colours. I think it suits it more because school sucks in general. Thanks to mama and papa, I went to a decent school to actually learn something. Occasionally, students do act out and it was pretty interesting to watch. I did pull through, started off with a low life, but I worked to get to England. I got a degree there and created Tlitz, a media for posting videos, images, and thoughts. It's still in the growing stages and I am the only one working on it. I need someone to help me out. I can probably use the technology to upgrade Tlitz, so I can edit it here.

"This place is empty," I say with despair, growing ever frustrated. I want to stomp the ground and rip this palace apart to find Naomi.

"Could she be at the prison?" He asks.

"I don't know," I answer honestly, "Didn't she mess it up a not a while back?"

"Only the deeper sections." He sighs. "I told her to hang low, not come in and screw up the place."

"Can't blame her. She busted her butt in here. She played two sides in two territories. One she is an enemy in, a contender in another," I defend her flatly. I scan through her memories again. The restricted hallways? Nowhere. Warzai? No. I got a feeling that she isn't in prison.

"Time is waning, Dominique," he says impatiently.

"I'm hurrying too, Bracus," I reply.

"Do you remember her scent?" I ask him.

"I do," he nods, "Electrical hellhound," He sniffs the air. His head darts north, south, east, and west. Due west, he stops and whiffs the air again.

"I smell her," he states, "This way." He leads me. We take out multiple guards. It feels great to have inhuman- brute strength. We can tear limbs off as if we have sword claws upon our fingers. We leave nothing, but a trail of blood in our way.

We reach the science corridor. The palace is not as dark as it seems; my sight illuminates it tenfold, making it much easier to see. A normie would go blind if they stayed here. We stop when we see a bunch of Revetas guarding the vault, clutching their large weapons, ready to attack.

"You're not allowed to enter the Lord's chamber, outsiders!" They yell at us.

"Ah Revetas," Bracus mumbles, "Stay behind me."

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