I| Chapter VIII: Search and Scare

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Blathnaid is still recovering from the vicious attack from Ivelisse and the shadow men. She has no serious complications, but she does have a fever and is ill. Rick advises her to stay in the medical room, so he can monitor any changes while she sleeps. High Priestess Ella decides to do another closing ritual and will try different variations from the books. We brought up the fact that Blathnaid hurt them by doing their ritual near Ivelisse's throat. Ella dismissively said that Blath didn't follow the orders of the steps. It might have hurt the spirits but doesn't exactly clear the portal. Isn't every soul a portal in some way or am I stupid? Dad told me about souls, but not in the way an Occultist would do. Once she did that, they got aggressive, nearly killing her. Seriously? That could've weakened them, making us able to close the portal and save Ivelisse. Of course, they caused them to go nuts, but that's a risk. Malevolent spirits don't go without a damn fight and you need to keep on bloody fighting! Not just spirits, people too.

"Naomi and Aelen, this time you're gonna hold her down and don't get distracted. You see what they did last time," Ella informs me.

"Got it," I reply with a confident nod.

My expression changes within a millisecond as Ivelisse's energy disappears from behind us as we have a little meeting. I spin around and it reveals the answer why. Ivelisse is gone.

"Not again! Find her!" Ella commands as we all split up. We can't even turn our backs away from her, otherwise, she will disappear. It's happening frequently and I'm afraid that her permanent possession is much closer than five days.

I head into Ivelisse's room. I stop as I see someone is in there, but it isn't Ivelisse. It's some ten-foot being with glazed tiger eyes with a wolf's head. Its arms look like its lightly coloured fur has been ripped off and extended with gross claws. It reminds me of Kung Fu Panda and Zootopia simultaneously. Also, since when did the beloved Powerwolf get into the house? It raises its snout as it deeply growls at me. Dominique runs by, but she stops in her tracks and winces at the being with wide eyes. "What is that?" Dominique asks me.

"No idea," I tell her, "It doesn't look friendly."

It barks ferociously. The entire household hears it. We both step back, along with Dominique gasping. The wolf howls into the air. Seriously? It's not a full damn moon and not even night yet. I pull Dominique back while I shut Ivelisse's room.

"What the hell was that?" Ella asks us while she catches up.

"A wolf that looks so deranged and malformed that needs to be put down," I reply to her, unfazed from what I just saw. I am used to seeing weird stuff happen.

Ella is taken aback by what she heard from me. She quickly recovers and orders, "Don't enter that room. Go find Ive, hurry!"

All the lights start flickering crazily. The house shakes again like a truck is going by. The energy around me starts to escalate in intensity, making me unwillingly desperate to find Ivelisse even more. I went back onto the base floor and searched around the room. Shadows are appearing around the house, driving us nuts. I can even hear Markus and Rick getting annoyed in the medicine room.

"Come find us," A harsh voice snarls around us from nowhere. I don't say a word. They continue to say, "You better find us, otherwise, darkness will rise. It will be your true fear."

Try me.

I sprint down the hall with vampire speed to where the medicine room is, making Ella from way behind me yelp back. I feel the energy becoming out of this world and it concentrates upwards as I march down the hall, passing the library. I push towards the garage. There I see Ivelisse on the ceiling. She's not using the shelves or any high tools to keep herself up there. There are these thick black branches spreading all over the walls. They have a rugged texture to them. I can still see them spreading. They are coming from Ivelisse. The smell in here is stomach-turning. The slimy-looking pores formed from the dark branches with an appearance of a closed-up flower emitting this toxic smelling gas.

Ella came by and also found her too. "Oh my God," she utters before covering her mouth.

Dominique catches up and plugs up her nose, trying not to throw up her breakfast.

"We've found you," I told her off, "Game over!"

Ivelisse finally notices us. She psychotically smiles. A loud hiss erupts from her mouth that turns into a loud roar. Her teeth are sharpened. We stumble backward. I stand there paralysed and possibly into another one's soul. Another black abyss wave hit. Everything returns to normal for now. The branches are gone. The lights stopped flickering. A deep inhale comes from Ivelisse as she hits one of the cars, making the car's alarm go off. She starts having a seizure and foaming at the mouth. We rush towards her aid.

"Rick!" Ella calls out to him urgently as we put her on the floor, away from the vehicles for her safety.

He immediately runs in and sees that Ivelisse is throwing a fit on the floor. He tells us to back away from her. We explain that she fell on the car before having a seizure. It took very long seconds for the seizure to stop. He tilts her head sideways, getting the liquids out of her mouth, so she doesn't asphyxiate. She doesn't wake up.

"She needs to go to the hospital," Rick says while checking her pulse, "She could have a complication."

"We can't take her to the hospital!" Dominique argues, "What if her possession hits there? She will wreak havoc. Have you ever seen those demonic possession movies? They will probably whisk her away into some mental ward!"

"Yes, I know!" He shouts at her, clearly looking frustrated, "But I can't scan her brain here."

"It's either risking her health or risking other lives as well," Ella comes in.

"Fine. We'll keep her here. If she doesn't wake up, I'm taking her to the hospital regardless."

He notices something with her teeth. He opens her lips to check and finds that the fangs are still there. The good spirit that possessed her warned us that the evil within her will malform her body in ways inhumanly possible. Her sharpened teeth are a bad sign that they are taking over.

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