WG| Chapter XIX: Wishing There Was A Cure to Tyranny

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Day 69

The words have been going around the territory about a Reveta that cured Ilit with his or her touch. The rumour is spread by Ilit herself. Teketa has been gathering attention towards every Reveta, including me, wondering who is this holy saviour that could heal the sick. I do feel bad towards the other Reveta. They were just going around about their day only to be caught in a hyper conversation with the guards. They don't want to hear it.

"Son of a bitch needs to say that they did it to shut them the hell up," says a Reveta while guarding the science chamber, "They decided now to give us more attention than shoving us inside a hole and burying us with it? Typical."

Oh, the science chamber. Netedinark is more than a twisted homicidal presidential candidate; he is also a nutjob scientist doing experiments in this lab. I just happen to be assigned to the same science chamber with the two other Reveta. They guard the non-important stuff like breakthrough medicines, experimental drugs, and vaccines, etcetera. Officers with chemical weapon tactics have access to it. The same stuff that would be classified in cold and locked up chambers on Earth. Past the inconsequential lab is the vaulted door, which I am guarding. Only Netedinark himself is allowed to have access to the vault. Whatever he has in there will possibly be world-ending tests and will guarantee endless agony.

This science chamber is not a typical bright white lab that would be seen on Earth. It's a Mediaeval-like background that is not in tune with the advanced tools in the lab. Humans will walk in and will be shocked that it looks ancient, but they will see data on a digital screen.

"It's getting annoying," replies the other Reveta with an annoyed agreement, "Tired of those assholes assuming it's me. Whoever healed Ilit shouldn't have done so."

"Ilit was going to die," another Reveta retorts.

"Orstro, she has the chance to recover like any other Teketa."

"Just another impatient bastard, Palet," Orstro mutters.

I feel like a complete idiot now. It's tempting to apologise, but I withhold.

"All Reveta to the Warzai now!" Announcements boom.

"Secure it shut before leaving!" Orstro commands.

The vault is already secured shut. We shut the access door while Orstro presses a button on the holographic device that denies access to anyone. No one can enter the lab, not even Netedinark unless he switches it off. We usher towards the Warzai. The crowd is a lot smaller because it's just the Reveta. A Reveta is rare. There's a 5% chance that a Queeneta will produce a Reveta. There are fifty of us in this room.

"No sitting," Netedinark says, almost barking. We all have to stand in front of him. We all wait in silence, waiting for him to raise hell upon us."What Ilit has told me is that one of you has healed her," he began, walking around like an officer, "The Teketa are aware of the situation. Whichever of you has done it shouldn't earn the praise that those dolts have said."

Stiff silence punishes the aura around us into a cold dreadful place. Netedinark's palace is already cold. It has turned frigid.

"Since I am in a good mood, if the suspect comes forth now, the punishment will be lessened."

Torment and death to just death?

"You will spare the weight on your comrades," he adds in with a tempting smirk.

If he figures out if it was me, he will torment me. Forever. No one takes my place, no one saves me. I refuse to come forth. My fear freezes me in place. I gulp hard. The branches on his back grow with spikes at the end, aiming towards us.

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