I| Chapter XV: Disturbed Apartment

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I watch Ivelisse in ghost mode; the interdimensional beings can't pick up where I am at. She's hiding under a bed in a little girl's room, waiting for the perfect time to pounce. I'm tired of them making her teleport from place to place. The perk about being a daemon is that I can trace from very far away. I do not fear Ivelisse's possession one bit. Daemons were not born to be ruled by fear, but rather by our own sense of duty. What our duty is will lead us to the path of loyalty or outcast.

I take out my phone and dial Ella. Human telepathy is not fully developed and needs improvement before they can hear me at a distance. Therefore, a simple phone call is the easiest thing to do. They can't hear me making the call either.

It was my choice to be with the coven. The first member I met was Rick long before the coven was formed. He was in the one wrong crowd when he was a kid. They were a type of sneaking in and doing parkour. There were quite a few of them that actually did it for the media's attention, desire to become famous for all the wrong reasons. Some were addicted to weed and vaping. One night, they snuck into a construction site with five-story heights. The ringleader of the crowd thought it would be thrilling to reach the top. Before Rick could leave the house, I froze him. He was startled that he couldn't move and tried to fight it, but failed. That's when I whispered into his ear, "Are you sure you want to go there?" He yelped in fear, but he made the right decision to listen to me. The area in the building that wasn't fully stabled collapsed. Three of the kids got critically injured and one of them died. A court case happened. Since there were No Trespassing and Danger signs on the property, the company was not at fault. The company also pressed charges against them. Their parents and the kids not only have to pay for their injuries, but also the damages and fines. Rick took this as a sign to change.

I do not agree that the Nyx Coven wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Rick. Ella was the one who made it with Blathnaid and Jonas. Rick joined and filled the high priest role. Dominique, Renin, Lucas, and Ivelisse joined after hearing the coven advertised on a social media platform.

I alert Ella, saying that Ivelisse is at the place where she was babysitting a child a week ago. I know this was coming because where is the fun when teleporting to the portal near the woods? The woods near the house. The sadistic entities want to have fun, feed off of fear from the people. The distance between them and this place is twenty minutes away by car, but the snow will certainly take them longer to get here.

The little girl enters the room. Ivelisse stays hidden under her bed. She grabs her toy before exiting the room. The door slams shut on its own, startling the little girl. Ivelisse growls like a ferocious animal.

She crawls out from the bed and goes to the door. The girl backs away against the door, crying in fear.

"Hello, low mortal," Ivelisse says distortedly before laughing sickly, "Do you wanna play with me?"

I walk to the door, standing beside Maddie. I don't reveal myself. My goal is to hold her off as long as I can.

Maddie's cries become more audible. The entities decide to take it to a whole new level. Ivelisse's mouth expands with teeth growing all around, screaming at the little girl. Maddie screams in pure terror, preparing for the worst.

I pick up Ivelisse by the neck, she squeals out before throwing her across the room. Maddie turns around and bangs on the door, begging for her parents to let me out.

Her mother opens the door without restrain. "Maddie, what is going on?" She asks in a scolding tone.

"Mommy, there was a monster crawling out the bed!" Maddie answers frantically in tears, "It almost ate me!"

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