I| Chapter V: First Exorcism

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Ivelisse fainted soon after the call was made. She remained unresponsive for most of the day. She remains in her bed for the exorcism. Lucas did return home today, having a sprained arm and a concussion. He's considered lucky. Markus would cause mighty damage the next time he pisses him off.

The night rolled by dreadfully, going into freezing temperatures. Blathnaid closed off the portal in the library and the portals we so far detected. It's raining outside. We can hear it against the window, threatening to come in. Silence rolls throughout the house as the coven securely ties Ivelisse to her bed with restraints. Ivelisse looks scared as hell.

"W'at are ya guys doin' to me?" She asks with tears going down her cheeks, petrified.

"Easy, Ive, we are trying to help you," Ella reassures.

"W'y are you tyin' me? I won't 'urt ya, I promise."

"We know you won't," Ella says, already starting to feel hurt by this, "But someone else will."

The whole coven is inside of Ivelisse's room, along with us. I feel Ivelisse's energy. She feels childish, sweet, naive, and in danger. I focus on her energy. I will alert her father if the energy changes. Like the time during Megan's possession, her energy was way off once Markus possessed her and was about to take over. Some possessed people do get off early warning signs, such as their aura feeling off than usual. That includes spirit attachment.

The exorcism begins. Father reads from the text, calling the Heavens to protect this woman from the evil lurking inside of her. Everyone is silently praying for their Gods to also help her as well. Markus and I look at each other intently.

Minutes slowly pass by. Ivelisse becomes more unstable by the minute. She shakes and silently cries in pure fear. She is disoriented, lost, and frightened. She doesn't even try to break through the restraints, knowing that we will hold her down. She probably thinks we are out for blood, but we're not. She only sees herself passing out, waking up in a different area of the house, followed by fainting again.

She sniffles a bit. The coven holds themselves from gently wiping her tears off. At any moment, her personality will be replaced by an uncontrolled menace. Thus far, no activity. Father's motions with the cross and holy water. Ivelisse doesn't cry out in pain or a burning feeling. She trembles, mindly begging for this to end.

Her heart rate suddenly plummets, along with her energy. Her aura diminishes. Ivelisse faints, lying still on her own bed, looking lifeless. Her energy is replaced by something sinister, evil, along with multiple energies that are not her own.

"Father," I notify him, the attention in the room draws on me, "It's happening."

Everyone backs away, except father, Markus, and I. We all know the beings inside of her are taking over.

An unsettling aura pressures the whole room while her aura turns black with blue spots that disappear and reappear from the darkness. The heart of the abyss with creatures surrounds us invisibly. The pressure is so excessive that some of us have a hard time remaining to stand. I see the coven tremble and wobble. It's incapacitating!

Ivelisse wakes up with a grin. The room splashes in total darkness, making some of us scream. Ella tells us to not panic. The light returns quickly as it falls, but father notices that the text, the crucifix, and his supplies vanished without a trace. The abyss swallowed it whole.

"For once, we are working together," Ivelisse mumbles to herself in a gruelling tone. The voice sounds like her own, but more menacing. She looks directly at Ella.

"Hello, High Priestess Ella Sovegneir," she says

"High Priestess?" My dad looks at Ella in confusion and distraught. Uh-Oh.

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