WG| Chapter XXIV: Prison Break

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Day 100

"I am not sure we can go on with this!" Cry Ozca while banging his head against the conference table. "My friends were mercilessly slaughtered." We all listen to his sobbing while everyone else looks at me with desperation and possibly disgust.

"You have the right to not participate if you don't want to," I say to him, trying to make him feel better, "I am not going to force-"

"Shut it, Kursa!" He snaps at me, "Hundreds of our men and women were viciously slaughtered. Thousands were imprisoned! And soon, they will find our union and kill us all!"

"You are also giving a lot of trouble for the Reveta too," Ichto mentions. He is the one that helped me engrave the armour, "Maybe you should step back a little?"

"I am not finished yet," I refuse.

"Your plan got our brethren killed!"

"Our duty is to get the message out. We want people to join-"

"They were cheering monstrous beasts!"

I'm tired of him interrupting my speaking. I am losing my cool pretty damn rapidly, feeling the sparking heat around me.

"No more goddamn protests," Ozca says as a threat.

"I've heard Teketa cry too. What are we going to do?" I retort, "Sit around and chat? We won't get anything done. Our little union is still dangerous. We will be put to death either way. If you want to change and are aware of the dangers, then stay here. If you want change but fear death, still say. If you don't want change, then leave. If you want to give up, do-"

"Kursa, stay back a little," Aephris says, "It's my union, not yours."

"Then, run it," I said coldly before walking to the exit.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Gonna go clear my goddamn head," I sneer while leaving. I'm tired of this shit. "By the way, the deaths are on my chest too and I am not going to give up."

I am not coming back for a while. Pretty sure I heard that the same Kateta that got Reveta killed apologising profusely behind me.

Message has been shared, Naomi, the empires know, Dominique mind messages me, Ablen will provide refuge while others will prepare. Stay tuned.

Thanks, I said in a not-so-happy way.

Are you okay, Naomi?

Of course, I am, I said sarcastically.

I relax in my hive. I haven't gotten to fully know my roommates yet, but that's not on the important list. Half of them are sleeping while the rest are performing night duty. I lie on my bed, letting their words blow up into a hurricane. Perhaps, I should've taken a step back. They are not used to their mates dying so viciously, but Netedinark is a warlord for god's sake. I have caused them a lot of trouble lately, deep trouble. I also dive myself into the abyss too. My own abyss that I can't escape from. I guess their words do contain some truth after all and I was being a major asshole.

Perhaps, I can try to make things right for once?

I can't sleep. My brain is too hyper with fire to sleep. I got up and got into my armour. For the past several weeks, I have patrolled many things other than the castle: the prison section, the science wing, and the borders. My hands itch to swing my axe into someone's gut and cut them in two, three, four, or possibly a thousand pieces. It's been too long since I've killed someone that I wanted to kill or lovingly screw up.

No one suspects me as I stroll past them; they assume I'm another night guard. Reveta works at night too. It feels that no one talks to us and keeps their distance unless they're Reveta themselves. I walk to the prison, which is very deep underground. The harder the criminal, the lower it gets. It also becomes hotter, getting closer to the core of the planet.

Using my vision, I see that there are thousands of prisoners at the bottom levels of the prison. The guards have a white glow around them; a shield that protects them from the heat while the prisoners are moaning. There must be something I can do to distract the guards. I magically put a white shield around me. They don't assume anything. One of them sighs in relief before walking out of the prison. Heh, son of a gun must've thought his shift ended. I walk around for a couple of hours. I've become impatient, the fantasy of ecstasy hits me with slaughter full of blood.

"Nighty-night, traitors, have your sweet hours of sleep," declares a guard as he presses a button to switch off the lights.

I chuckle, "Lights out," and a black swirling cloud surrounds me, spreading blindness to engulf.

"I can't see anything!" A guard yells out.

"What is happening?" Another guard says, sounding agitated.

"Turn the light back on!" I beg. I can see everything just fine.

"I just did! Nothing is happening!"

"Alert Ofaka Gorgon, quickly!"

I create sound barriers for the night guards, so they can't hear what I am about to do. I walk to the end of the cell blocks to unlock every single cell, setting the unionised Teketa free. They look so weakened and so untreated. They have immunity to blindness and sight; they can see me.

"Bless you, Kursa," one of the Teketa says to me.

"You need to leave. It's too dangerous to go back to the union. Seek refuge at Phirus."

"Phirus? That place is so far away."

"Exactly. Ablen will help you. My ancestors have been to Phirus once and they gave me a map of it and also a passage to it." I open a portal as bright as the orange sky, enough that they squint their tired eyes shut. "Go to it."

"What are you? We only saw the Lord making portals...Not any of us."


"I hid them for far too long," I lie, "Now go! An Ofaka will be down here soon. I wish you all the best and I bless you one day that you'll be welcomed back to Teketa."

They bid their farewells as they all hurry into the portal. They are teleporting to the entrances of Phirus.

Inform Ablen that Teketa refugees are going there this instant! A portal is to Phirus, I said telepathically to anyone that would listen to me.

Will do, Naomi. Thank you! Says Dominique.

You're crazy for going there, Naomi; you better hang low for a long time after this, Bracus says, sounding worried.

I will try. I guarantee no promises in that.

"Where are you going?" Asks Teteth, also another worker. The vibrations that I am finally getting the hang on.

"I am staying here, so I can save our brethren if we ever are in danger," I inform him with a smile under my veil.

"Stay safe, Kursa," replies him before entering the portal. I close the portal. It's just the guards and I.

My smile turns crooked as a red aura circles around me, reaching shocking proportions. Time to mess with them. I head to one of them, freaking the hell out. Haha! Their screams are miracles to my ears. I create red sparks around the electronics to make it seem they screwed up. I shock the ones closest to them. They shriek beyond sound before collapsing to the ground. Their bodies twitch. I knock out multiple guards, only making them bleed. I lie down, pretending to be unconscious, trying to hide a smile. Time to cast an illusion to trick the guards and the Lord Himself.

The technicians are punished for neglecting checking the controls for power and the locking of the cell doors. A fault has turned off the power at the lower level, causing the prisoners to escape and the guards blinded. The prisoners haven't been caught, but many of them were slaughtered in a riot. The heat of the prison cell was supposed to prevent powers from being used; the officers are investigating the incident. Five of the guards closest to the controls were reported dead. Possible suspects are the fugitives or the technicians that skim-check the controls before leaving. Once the prime suspect has been confirmed, they will be charged with treason and subject to unbearing punishment.

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