Meet the Family

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Author: Seito 


Type: Harry Potter x Young Justice

It's not that Wally doesn't believe in magic. He just hates it. Why?

Because he's a squib.




"Why are you here?"

A wide grin spread across Dick's face. "Well, let's just say there was a little accident at the Manor this morning and Alfred 'suggested' it might be a good idea if I stayed over at your house for the weekend."

Wally stared at his best friend in stunned silence. Under normal circumstances, Wally would be thrilled to have his best friend over for the weekend. This weekend, however, was most definitely not the time of normal circumstances.

To put it plainly, his family was over.

By family, Wally did not mean Uncle Barry and Aunty Iris (but he thanked god they were here, otherwise Wally wasn't sure he would be able to survive his current predicament). No, no, this was his mother's side from England. They usually came for a visit at least once a year during the summer, but...well...Don't get Wally wrong, he loved his family with all his heart. It was just that this side of the family is a bit...strange.

"Oh? Who's your muggle friend, Wally?"

Dick blinked. Seemingly out of nowhere, two boys with red hair appeared, both swinging an arm around Wally's shoulder. "Muggle?" Dick asked, eyebrow raising in curiosity.

"It's just some new slang they're using in England," Wally hastily covered up. "Don't mind my cousins, they're weird."

The twins had mocked looks of hurt on their faces. "Weird? Us?" they chimed together. "What lies have you been spreading?"

They both removed their arms from Wally's shoulder and pushed the younger speedster aside. "I'm Fred," the one on the right introduced.

"And I'm George," the one on the left continued.

Wally bopped the two of them on the head. "Don't listen to them. This one is George," he said pointing to the one on the left. "And this is Fred."

"Oh, Dick!" Mary had come out from the kitchen to see who was at the door.

Dick gave a small smile and a wave. "Hello Mrs. West," he greeted. "The Manor is temporarily unavailable, and I was hoping I could stay over for the weekend. But it seems that you already have guests, so I'll take my leave."

"Nonsense!" Mary said. She pushed past the boys and pulled Dick into the house. "You're more than welcome to stay. There's plenty of room."

It didn't go unnoticed by Dick that Wally was making 'Abort!' signals to his mother.


"Wally?" Dick asked. "Did your house get bigger?"

"N-no. Why do you ask?" Wally questioned. He fidgeted a little, hoping that Dick wouldn't notice the three extra bedrooms and expanded living room.

"Because there are three extra bedrooms and your living room is about two feet wider than usual.

Who was Wally kidding? This was the kid trained by Batman himself, and Batman was not called the World's Greatest Detective for nothing. Of course Dick would notice.


Before Wally could say anything, he was saved by a woman with the same red hair as his who came bustling into the living room. "There you are Wally! Arthur is looking for you. He wants you to explain to him how the felyphone works again."

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