Hello There - Part 2

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Hermione had thought they were safe at the café they'd fled to, but her heart immediately sank as she saw the two men walk in. She recognized who they were – not by their names, but by what they were. They'd come in as she, Harry and Ron had been discussing in hushed tones what their next move should be after Voldemort's takeover of the Ministry.

The trace shouldn't have been on any of their wands since they were all of age now, and she tried to think of anything that might have allowed the Death Eaters to track them. The arrival of the shop's lone waitress with cappuccinos for Ron and herself (as Harry was hidden under his invisibility cloak) snapped her back to the present, and she thanked the girl with a nod.

Her money to pay with was in her bag and her wand was hidden in a holder up her sleeve, so as she bent over to retrieve several pounds, she also slipped her wand down into her hand. It turned out to be not a second too soon as she looked up to see the Death Eaters drawing their wands.

Hermione froze. Luckily for her, Ron's keeper reflexes were quicker than the men's spells as he lunged and pushed her down onto her bench as a series of spells blew a hole in the wall where his head had been,

They were not going to die here, not if she had anything to do with it.

She jumped up and shot a stunner at the same time as one came from over her shoulder where Harry was hidden. The two spells hit the man on the left and he crumpled heavily to the floor. His blond comrade responded twofold, with a vibrant green spell that Hermione prayed had missed Harry, and a cutting curse that sliced her jacket and upper arm. She let out a hiss of pain and clamped at her arm as she conjured a shield in front of her.

Ron had blasted a hole in the counter that the Death Eater was hiding behind, and another stunner from Harry had accidentally hit the cowering waitress who'd been screaming in a corner, but Hermione barely noticed either action as her hand began to glow gold. Her eyes widened in fear as she realized what was happening – she couldn't be transported away from Harry and Ron now!

Her worry died as the glow faded away and her surroundings remained the same, but a new emption surged in her (elation? She'd examine it later) as she saw the figure that had materialized between her and the counter. His beige robes stood out against the modern café, and she'd never been happier to see such a bland color.

"Obi-Wan, duck!" She called out as the Death Eater popped up above the counter and aimed his wand in their direction. Whatever training Obi-Wan was undertaking gave him exceptionally quick reaction time as he immediately ducked down as a spell flew over his head.

"Hermione, who the bloody hell is that?" Ron shouted, pointing his wand at Obi-Wan just as he thrust his hand out and sent the Death Eater flying into the wall behind him.

Hermione's eyes widened as Obi-Wan tightened his fist and the man stayed up propped against the wall, his feet hovering a meter above the ground. "He's...he's my soulmate."

"It would seem so." She could hear the smirk in his voice before he even angled himself to glance back at her. "Hello there, Hermione Granger."

She couldn't help the quirk of her lips back at him. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, it's been too long." Her gaze flickered towards the growling Death Eater pinned to the wall. "How are you doing that? Some form of telekinesis?" She tilted her head slightly as she moved to stand next to her soulmate.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her term, which she found adorable, but he gave her an answer. "I'm using the Force to immobilize him." He sucked in a breath and Hermione then noticed the exertion and tension throughout his stance. "It is a bit exhausting though," he admitted in a lower tone. "What do you want done with him?"

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