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Author: L'Angleterre 


Type: Harry Potter x Kingsman

Alternatively, four times Eggsy and Roxy almost found out who Nimue was, and one time Nimue found them.

Pairing: Eggsy x Roxy; Harry x Merlin



"Oi Merlin!" Eggsy shouted into his earpiece as he slid around a corner, a hail of bullets raining overhead. "Where the fuck is the way out?!" There was no time for him to wait for a response, but with a relieved sigh, he smashed through the sliding glass doors and leapt into the lake twenty feet below.

Even if he had seemingly vanished, Merlin came to his aid once Eggsy hit the water. Not even an hour later, he was sat, drying and with a scowl on his face, as Merlin typed away on his computer. The clicking, which he usually found quite soothing, was grating on his nerves, until he snapped.

"What happened?" he shouted. "Merlin, I could've bloody died in there!" The USB better have been what he was fucking after, because Eggsy was going to blow a fuse if he had to go in blind again.

"I was...distracted," the man mumbled. Were Eggsy observant enough, he'd have noticed that Merlin was almost sheepish.

"Whatever," the new Galahad snorted, turning to leave. "And tell Roxy to stop spraying that god awful perfume of hers around!"

With the slam of the door, Merlin returned to his computer, a knowing smirk on his face. Nimue had just visited, bringing him a sample of Amentortia to analyze for a sample match on their newest case.


Eggsy may not have been capable of picking up on the slight change in the atmosphere, but Roxy certainly was. She'd been watching Merlin – the way he'd drop his phone quickly once he realized that she – and by extension Eggsy – were trying to listen in on his conversations. What Roxy could catch though was definitely flirting.

"Who's Nimue?" she dropped one day. Merlin, in response, dropped his mug, the ceramic shattering on impact with the floor.

"Get out, the pair of you," he snapped at the young agents, who complied with raised eyebrows. He glared at the mug on the floor, which reassembled itself and floated up to his hands, before the coffee on the floor disappeared.

"Thanks, Nimue," grumbled Merlin, heading back to refill his mug. Green eyes glittered fondly from the corner, before their owner disappeared.


"I've done some research," Roxy announced. Eggsy groaned, burying his head in his arms.

"That's never a good thing."

"In mythology, Nimue was the Lady of the Lake. Merlin's lover." That caught Eggsy's attention. He snickered, before it turned into full blown laughter. They were having a cuppa in a local café, and he was enjoying some time as a civilian.

Roxy scowled at him. Clearly, she'd been hoping for some emotional response. Perhaps a coo of 'how cute'.

"Finished your tea?" he asked, nodding to her cup. "We should probably get back to the tailors." Eggsy pushed his chair back and stood, turning right into the path of another man.

"Sorry mate," he said, steadying the man. He had startling green eyes, which contrasted starkly with pale skin and black hair.

"Ah, my fault," he reassured, brushing down his tailored jacket. The three parted with no further ado.


"Merlin we would love some words of advice right about now," Roxy murmured into her earpiece as she and Eggsy pelted towards almost certain doom.

"Don't die," was the helpful response. Eggsy was screaming blue murder as the train rushed towards the tunnel, but Roxy's eyes narrowed.

"You aren't Merlin."

"No," was the amused response. "I suggest quieting your colleague down, then using the Kingsman issued umbrellas. You'll find them quite useful right now, I'd imagine."

"Who are you?" she demanded, before understanding dawned. She didn't need the answer, and the amused laugh offered her none.


"Nimue," the raven haired man said with an easy smile, offering a hand to Roxy, then Eggsy. They both shook it warily.

"You aren't what I was expecting," Roxy confessed.

"You mean he's a bloke?"

"Something like that."

Harry Potter, or Nimue, as this organization knew him, didn't look a day over twenty thanks to his possession of the Deathly Hallows – not that anyone needed to know that. His dark suit, definitely Kingsman, contrasted with his bird's nest of dark hair, and he shot Merlin a fond look.

Roxy definitely didn't want to ask.

"Thanks for your help on the mission," she settled on. "We couldn't have done it without you. That trick with the umbrella-"

"Why don't you go get some rest?" Merlin sighed, rubbing his temples. The pair leapt at the rare offer, and headed out of the room. This wasn't how Merlin had envisioned this – honestly, he'd never imagined that Nimue would override mission control via magic.

"Are you mad at me?" the wizard asked, feigning innocence as he rested his arms around Merlin's shoulders. Merlin hummed in response.

"More like disappointed." Harry cringed, raising his eyebrows. He felt like his was back in Hogwarts, under the scrutiny of his Head of House.

"I'll make it up to you," he promised, kissing Merlin on the temple, before vanishing with a crack.

His headache having magically disappeared, Merlin all but grinned at his monitor, knowing that the real wizard would more than keep his word.

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