Don't Mess With a Shinigami (Especially if They're Orange)

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Author: 101Gabriella101 


Type: Harry Potter x Bleach

Before the Final Battle, Voldemort gets quite the surprise, seeing that Harry isn't actually dead. He decides to summon a 'God of the Dead' to finish the job. What he gets is...not what he expected.


The events are seen by an anonymous 7th year Ravenclaw.

Harry Potter is dead.

That's what they said, Harry Potter is dead. No. No way. I don't believe it, don't want to believe it...But Hagrid is right there, holding him in his arms like a rag doll. And he's not moving.

The half giant seems devastated and, bloody hell, of course he is. He probably saw it all happen, and then they made the poor sod carry him all the way here. Probably for the best, I suppose. Wouldn't want any of those miserable Death Eater bastards touching him anyways.


Harry's dead.

You-kn... Voldemort (I'm still not used to that) has been moaning about...well, something. 's not like I've been paying much attention to him, you know? 'I am victorious, now prepare to die' or some shite like that, probably.


Seriously, he's telling us to join him now? Are you bloody kidding me? All that, and then he goes "would YOU like to be a Death Eater? We are looking for men and women to fill the c=vacancies you just created!'

Fuck off.

...Not that I'd actually say that out loud, though. I may be angry and bitter, but bloody hell, I'm not stupid yet. Ha. Guess there's a reason I'm in Ravenclaw then?

What the...?

I can't believe it. Of FUCKING course, Draco Malfoy steps up and becomes the first to switch sides! Oh, who would have guessed, huh, I'm absolutely SHOCKED! It's probably the most idiotic thing to do, but I squint and glare at Malfoy, then my eyes do an impressive 360°, and then I glare some more. Oh, how I wish laser eyes were an actual thing in the magical world. Or something similar at least.

Damn bastard.

Well, to be fair, the miserable prick looks confused as all hell and ready to start bawling his eyes out.


And then Neville, of all people, steps out and shows everyone exactly why he is in Gryffindor. I know he's proven himself more than worthy of it, especially this last year, but I keep remembering the little kid with the Remembrall. Seeing him stand up to Voldemort himself is incredibly inspiring. Ha, he actually manages to get me a little fired up again. I like him.

But then the most impossible thing happens: Harry Potter gets out of the hold Hagrid has him in and runs over to our side. He's alive! Ha! He's done it again; he's survived the killing curse twice!

Oh man. If they kill me right here and right now, I'd be perfectly fine with it, because it'd mean that I died while watching Voldemort's stupid face, gaping at how he literally got tricked by some kid playing dead.

But of course, no one's paying much attention to me (thank God). On this side, everyone is ecstatic, yelling and screaming for Harry, because this means that there's still hope, that Neville didn't just give us some empty words.

The Death Eaters are in shock. The few who aren't complete morons decide that enough is enough and disappear in a trail of smoke. It's a few less we've got to worry about, I guess. The rest is either still gaping at Harry or looking at their Dark Lord for direction.

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