Hello There - Part 5

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He had just reached his bed chambers when the feeling hit him all at once in a forceful wave and he immediately knew something terrible had happened. Hermione was in pain. So much pain.

Obi-Wan's lightsaber was drawn before he even arrived in her universe.

He didn't recognize where he materialized. The room was large and entirely crafted of dark stone, reminding him of an ancient temple or palace in a way. From the sight of the torn tapestries and dried, dark stains that littered the floor, it was clear that any happy days this place had seen were long past. The screams that were piercing the air though...those were what transformed the room into a dungeon.

The cries were hauntingly familiar, and as the golden light of the soul-bond faded from his vision, he fearfully realized why. His soulmate was the source. She was laying limply on the bloodstained floor, and he watched frozen in horror as a dark-haired woman in a tattered black dress pointed her wand at Hermione, causing the girl to seize and cry out.

Words could not describe the insurmountable rage Obi-Wan Kenobi felt in that moment.

He hardly realized he was moving as his hand shot out on its own accord, capturing this vile woman with the Force and lifting her off her feet with a strength and finesse he had never demonstrated before. Later he'd realize how lucky he was to have caught her by surprise, as she dropped her wand and reflexively grabbed at her throat. Not that it mattered after a moment, as he thrust his lightsaber into her chest. She could not be allowed to escape and cause harm to Hermione – or any other innocent – in this war again.

He wanted to run to Hermione, but a shocked gasp drew his attention to the three blonds that stood off to the side, their backs almost up against the wall. He was certain they were a family by their appearances, but as he hadn't seen them hurt his soulmate, he would not attack them yet.

Obi-Wan's decision shifted as the older male with long hair began to raise his wand, but surprisingly his wife stopped him by placing a hand on his arm. He noticed her startling grey eyes, so similar to ones he'd already seen on another wizard.

"Lucius, don't!" She hissed. "Didn't you see the golden light around them?" Her glare towards her husband was akin to an angry mother lion. "If you attack them, you will cause this family to fall!"

Obi-Wan met the man's eyes unwaveringly and had to suppress a smirk as the blond flinched under his stare. After he felt sure he wouldn't be attacked if he turned his back, Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber and rushed towards Hermione. He fell on his knees beside her and brushed her wild curls out of her face to check for injuries. Other than some bruises and scrapes, nothing seemed visible...and now he worried as she began to twitch despite being unconscious. Had the witch's torture spell harmed her internally? He tried to ignore his increasing feeling of helplessness towards his inability to end Hermione's suffering.

He heard the woman's voice ring out from behind him. "Draco, go free the others! There's no time to waste." Footsteps echoed throughout the room as the other blond male moved towards one of the exits, but Obi-Wan looked up as the sounds began to draw closer to him.

The boy raised both hands in a sign of goodwill as he drew near Obi-Wan and Hermione. "She's passed out from the Cruciatus curse, but I can wake her," he said cautiously, and Obi-Wan almost growled out of frustration towards his attitude. He wasn't about to attack him when this boy had clearly approached them to help.

"Please," he settled on saying, shifting Hermione into his arms so he could support her head and upper body.

After crouching down to get closer to Hermione, the wizard muttered a spell under his breath and began to slowly move his wand down the length of her body. The soft purple glow that it produced made it look as if she was sleeping peacefully as the magic took hold and calmed Hermione's tremors.

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