Always Snow

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Author: Dream of Cream


Type: Harry Potter x Rise of the Guardians

Oneshots of Fem!Harry meeting the Guardians.



-April 7, 1985. Easter Day-

-#4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England-

Children ran all across Privet Drive, scrambling to find Easter Eggs. Bunnymund watched in amusement and satisfaction peaking through the leaves of the bushes surrounding the backyard of the house of Number 4 Privet Drive. Another Easter well done.

"Are you the Easter Bunny?"

The small soft voice startled him into whipping around. Behind him was a child, a girl, maybe three years old. Knee length unruly hair framed a small frame and heart shaped face. She had milky white skin and the brightest green eyes he had ever seen. Those eyes startled him even more, for inside those eyes was a deep loneliness, along with a sorrowful glint. She tilted her head to the side in a silent question. He hesitated before crouching in front of her.

"...Yeah, mate."

A small smile lit up her face, and some of the sadness in her eyes faded away. "You're very different than what I've heard people describing you as."

Heard? Shouldn't she know? "Every tale is based on truth, but not all of it is correct." The girl's smile widened. "What is your name?" He asked gently.

"Freak." She answered honestly.

Bunnymund jerked backwards in shock. Why would a child think her name is Freak?! Anger coursed through him, knowing someone must have constantly called her that without anyone correcting that person for many years for her to believe such a thing. "I'm sure your name isn't...freak." He spit the name out in thinly veiled disgust. She must have caught it as she flinched back. She lowered her heard and started to talk lowly.

"T-that's...that's what Uncle Vernon and everyone else calls me..."

Magic swirled around him, sensing his anger. The girl flinched harder than before as if she could sense it.

"B-but..! I think my name is N-nix! Nix Potter. I hear my teacher calling it in class all the time, but no one maybe..." She spoke quickly, stumbling over words. "I don't know what it means, but it's very pretty!" She smiled softly at him; eyes closed. Suddenly, loud voices came from around the corner of the house, and a group of five children came running into the backyard. His eyes widened when their eyes looked straight at him...but then, they slid right past them. Surprise flitted across his face. A little giggle came from the girl.

"They can't see us." She told him happily.

Ears twitching slightly, he raised an eyebrow. "I asked Magic to make it so on no can see me and I asked it to make sure they couldn't you." She had a shy, but proud look on her face. She could use Magic?! Slowly, a small smirk lifted his lips and he patted her head once in praise. "Good job, Nix." The look on her made him mad all over again.

She looked at him with wonder in her eyes, moisture building up in them. She looked at him like it was the first time she had ever been praised. She wiped her eyes clean with a long sleeve, determination filling her eyes. "W-wait here! I have something for you!" She slipped out from under his paw and dashed towards the back door almost tripping a few times from the too long pant legs. She stealthily opened the door and peaked around it before slipping inside. Something...for him? Bunnymund waited patiently until she creeped back outside, something clenched in her cupped hands. She ran across the yard and stood in front of him, hands trembling.

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