Promises and Vows

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Author: GhostIsReading

Platform: AO3

Type: Harry Potter

Harry is clearing out the attic in Grimmauld Place when he touches something he shouldn't have.


It all started with Harry touching something he shouldn't have in the attic of Grimmauld Place, the place that Mrs. Weasley had ordered all cursed or dark items to be kept. You would think that after the whole search for horcruxes and Katie Bell's hospitalization after touching a cursed necklace that Harry would know better than to put on the pretty bracelet that he found...

As soon as the cool platinum metal band circled his wrist, Harry knew he had made a bad decision A terrible one really. What had once been a cuff bracelet, which was a bracelet with an opening, was now just a solid circle of metal that was wrapped around his wrist. It was only loose enough not to cut into his skin, but too tight to slide off his wrist. It was stuck.

"Shit!" He clawed at the bracelet trying to get it off to not avail. "Finite!" He tried the universal cancelling spell but still nothing changed. "Damn it." He took a closer look at his new seemingly permanent adornment. It was a wide bracelet about as thick as three of his fingers and on it was engraved the Black Family's crest. Three ravens on the bottom half of the shield and on the top was a disembodied hand holding a wand. Under the shield was the family motto: Toujours Pur.

Harry had barely started to trace the etching when he felt the tugging and nauseous sensation of a portkey activating. "Fuck."


Harry landed heavily onto a soft surface. He bounced slightly and he was grateful for whatever he was on for breaking his fall. He blinked a few times as he gathered his bearings and found that he was in the bedroom of Grimmauld Place that Sirius had kept Buckbeak in...only there was no sign that the room had ever been host to the hippogriff.

"Excuse me?" A smooth cultured voice from behind him had Harry on guard. He rolled off the bed, it turned out that he had been deposited on said bed of all things which certainly explained his soft landing, to find a man in said bed.

"Er," Harry didn't know what to say. It didn't help that the man in the bed was a few years older than him and was unfairly attractive. He had dark, almost pitch black, curly hair, and dark eyes and yet his skin was as white as freshly fallen snow. His cheekbones were sharp, and his nose was straight and strong. He was also shirtless and in bed, in the bed that Harry had just landed on.

"How did you manage to get through the wards of my house?" The man demanded to know, sitting up. The sheets pooled around his chest as he levelled his wand at Harry.

"Uh," Harry couldn't think. The pale expanse of the older man's chest was terribly distracting. He had come to terms with the fact that he was gay, he and Ginny never got back together after the war, but he had also never come face to face or rather chest with someone as fit as this bloke.

"Oh great, you're a simpleton." A freaking rude fit bloke. Thankfully those harsh words brought Harry's mind back into the present. He had put on a potentially cursed object which had then acted as a portkey. Maybe he was a simpleton.

"Look, I know this looks bad-"

"You appeared out of nowhere, breaking through some of the most powerful wards in the country, landed on my bed and then stared at me as if I was a particularly delicious piece of treacle tart." The man said dryly. "But go on, explain to me how this isn't as bad as it looks."

"Er, sorry." Harry wanted to die. His face felt as if it was on fire from how hard he was blushing and then he caught sight of the man's wrist and all blood drained from his face. He was wearing a bracelet identical to the one that Harry was. "You have one too?" He blurted out raising his own wrist so that his one could be seen.

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