Just My Luck

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Author: Whispering Darkness 

Platform: Fanfiction.net

Type: Harry Potter x Avengers

Staring at the one-eyed man across the table who was either trying really hard to use Legilimency on him or trying to reduce him to a pile of ash with his stare, Harry Potter couldn't help but wonder how in the world he always ended up in situations like these.


Part One

Harry took in the rather bare room, the famous muggle inventor/billionaire – or so he'd been told – by his side, the guard by the door and the tall, trench coat wearing man with an eye-patch who confidently took a seat opposite them.

A silence ensued between the four of them after everyone had taken their seats as the one-eyed man across the table seemed to be either trying really hard to use Legilimency on him, or trying to reduce him to a pile of ash with his stare.

The Gryffindor couldn't help but wonder how in the world he ended up in situations like this.

Maybe there was something to that whole 'penchant for trouble' thing that people insisted he had after all...

"Harry James Potter," the man who was clearly in charge stated, drawing out his name and, even while seated, managing to loom over him in a manner that was probably meant to be intimidating.

"Born to Lord James Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans. Your parents were killed when you were a baby, and you were raised by your maternal Aunt and Uncle. At age eleven you were sent to a boarding school in Scotland where you graduated at eighteen. You gained control of your father's wealth and stayed in Britain for only one more year before leaving, travelling around the world until you ended up in India."

"...is there a reason you're telling me my own life-story?"

"Oh, I'm just curious..." the Director of SHIELD answered, with no hint of curiosity in his voice or stance whatsoever, "how does a man, as filthy rich as Stark, end up in the middle of nowhere coincidentally befriending someone like Dr. Banner?"

"There's nothing wrong with being filthy rich," Tony Stark couldn't help but comment, shooting a smirk at the annoyed Fury.

The man in question ignored him, though, and turned his gaze back to the unexpected complication in front of him.

"Who I befriend isn't really any of your business..." was all the wizard had to say about that, a small frown on his face.

"It is when said friend can turn into a creature with the destructive force of a dirty bomb." His eyes narrowed in suspicion at the seemingly unsurprised person in front of him. "...but then you already knew that didn't you?"

"We travelled together for three months..." Harry shrugged, "and what with your people trailing us everywhere and the stress of moving immediately at the drop of a hat, it was a bound to happen sometime."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Fury probed, mockingly. "It doesn't bother you that Dr. Banner, your friend, turns into a large green monster when he gets angry, attacking anything and anyone around him?"

"Hey, now that's not really fair," Tony exclaimed. "The man can't help it!"

Fury shot him a sharp glance to shut him up.

"It's not like he purposefully destroys everything around him. There are plenty of people who do. If you're really such a hot-shot super spy, you should know that. Shouldn't you be bothering them instead?"

"Stark, if you don't shut up right now I will make you," The Director's growled threat succeeded where his glare failed, and the billionaire shut his mouth with one last sarcastic remark: "Shutting up now."

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