As Above, So Below - Part 3

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Cas looked utterly perplexed. Dean wasn't much better. Sam looked away towards the wall, embarrassed. "Dude, you...seriously?" Dean finally managed to ask. Sam winced.

"Uh, yeah?" Cas and Dean just stared.

"How did you even?" Dean just trailed off. Sam shrugged, uncomfortable.

"I don't know, it just worked out that way. It's not like I planned it!" he snapped defensively. Cas' look had at this point gone from utterly dumbfounded to rather curious. Like Sam was some fantastical beast he'd never seen before.

"Alright, so...the devil gets it now. Where does that leave us exactly? Just how much did it mess him up?" Dean asked. Sam sighed.

"I...I don't know. He doesn't seem to know what to do anymore. And he seemed pretty, well – depressed, honestly." Sam answered slowly, brow furrowed in thought. Dean snorted.

"Great, so he's in the dark. What about us?" Dean asked. Sam hesitated.

"I...think I should tell him where I am..." he finally said. Dean stared at him incredulously.

"Dude, what the fuck? Just because he's suddenly acquired a conscious doesn't mean he's going to stop the apocalypse! Plenty of humans get away with being psychotic fucks, don't think that this immediately exempts him from wanting us all dead!" Dean snapped. Sam nodded; he knew that, he wasn't stupid. They spent their lives dealing with humanity's dark side, but he also felt that if the opportunity presented itself then you should get a second chance.

"Dean, I know, but I want to give him a chance. If we leave him alone he might figure out how to just ignore it. I want to try." Dean chewed on his lip, a frustrated expression on his face, before turning to Cas.

"What do you think, Cas?" he asked. The angel was quiet, looking pensive.

"If...if the chance exists I believe we should try." He finally agreed after a long moment. "He is still an angel, even if his Grace is tarnished, the other Fallen...they cant be saved, btu I don't think anyone has ever bothered to try." Dean studied him for a long moment before looking back to Sam.

"You'd better be right about this Sammy, or we're fucked." Sam smiled wryly.

"Oh I know, but I want to try. We all get our second chances, and he's in the same boat as humanity now. Why shouldn't he get one?" Sam answered determinedly. Dean rolled his eyes in disgust.

"Okay, enough chick flick shit. Go call the devil." Sam chuckled and nodded, getting up off the motel bed and heading outside. Dean sighed and shook his head; he couldn't believe he was letting Sammy try this. But they were fast running out of options, and if the devil really had eaten the fruit then that could very well be a game changer. He'd give him a chance, but at the first sign of him just fucking with them he was putting a bullet from the Colt in the bastard's head, and hoping it slowed him down enough for them to run.


Sam was only waiting a few moments after sending off the prayer before Lucifer appeared in front of him. The sound of feathers was much louder than with Cas. But he supposed if the myths were true, then he had six wings to Cas' two. "Sam." He greeted curiously. That slightly haggard edge was still haunting his expression Sam noted. Sam nodded in acknowledgement.

"Finally going to say yes?" he asked, a cocky smirk slipping onto his face. Sam just raised an eyebrow at the act, and it was an act, Sam knew bravado when he saw it.

"No. We wanted to talk to you." He answered after a moment.

"We?" the devil echoed, amused. Sam just nodded and turned away to walk back to the room. Lucifer blinked, mystified at Sam willingly turning his back on him. He waited for a moment, but Sam didn't look back. With a huff, he stalked after the human, annoyed. Sam didn't let the faint smile he felt sneak onto his face. No need to aggravate him.

Heading back around the corner of the building, Sam spotted Cas and Dean sitting at a picnic table across the parking lot. Must not have wanted to talk to Lucifer in a confined space. Sam walked over and sat down with a thud opposite Dean. Lucifer eyed them in annoyance before ambling over like it was his idea the whole time.

"And what exactly is this little party about?" he asked mockingly. Dean and Cas were both studying him with interest.

"What do you think, Cas?" Dean asked.

"I think Sam is right. He really did do it." Dean snorted and glanced back at Lucifer who was now glaring at Sam.

"You told them?" the Fallen Angel asked flatly. Sam met his gaze evenly but didn't answer. Dean rolled his eyes and mock toasted the air with his beer.

"Well in that case Luci, welcome to the club. The beer is sadly not free but there is a lot of it. Enjoy." He snarked before taking another long drink. Lucifer stared at him strangely while Sam sighed in annoyance.

"Dean." He said dryly. Dean glanced at him, amused.

"What? I'm serious!" he said defensively, a faint glimmer of amusement in his eyes. Lucifer stared at him a moment longer before sighing heavily and sitting down next to Sam. Dean quirked an eyebrow at this but let it go while eyeing him. Cas looked rather uncertain, understandable given the devil was sitting across the table from him.

Lucifer studied Castiel for several long moments before smirking. Dean's eyes narrowed dangerously, even if he wasn't capable of doing anything to the Fallen Angel. Lucifer smiled and a moment later, he was holding something in his hand. A blood red fruit which bore a superficial resemblance to an apple. It already had one bite out of it. Dean stared. looked so normal. But he wasn't stupid, he knew what it was.

Lucifer was still smiling, his expression turning a little more grim as he set it on the table in front of Cas. Cas leaned away from the table a bit, staring at the piece of fruit with a frankly rather terrified expression.

"Might as well, kid. You're the only one here who hasn't." Lucifer drawled. Cas tore his gaze away from it and looked at Dean, panicked. Dean eyed it for a long moment before glancing at Sam. Sam sighed.

"It hurts, Cas, but it is better than not knowing." Sam said after a moment, kinda surprised at where this was going. Cas looked back at Dean. Dean was frowning at the fruit.

"He is right Cas, but if you don't want to, that's not something I'll be holding against you. You at least seem to be doing fine without knowing." He looked back up at the angel with a faint wry smile. Cas blinked at him, head tilted to the side as he looked at Dean for a long moment, before a look of determination settled on his face. He looked back at the fruit for a moment, before reaching out to pick it up.

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