#Believing Is Seeing - Part 3 (Final)

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Jack was outside Jamie's house. The kids was literally the last true believer in the world...at least in the Guardians anyway. Jack had spent an entire hour ensuring his well of belief wasn't touched by sending snow storms on demand...it was exhausting and he knew Mother Nature might be pissed at him later, but his belief system was still too fragile to allow Pitch's hissy fit to go unanswered.

Seeing the kid talk to the rabbit doll in his hands, Jack knew exactly what to do.

He made sure to tap at the window to get Jamie's attention, before giving it the special "Frost" treatment...complete with the snowy drawing of his staff.

Jamie's belief solidified enough to see Jack, his eyes wide with excitement.

He quickly checked his phone and that excitement doubled.

"No way...you're real? You're actually real?!"

"Remember the line on the site?" grinned Jack.

"Hashtag 'Believing Is Seeing'," grinned Jamie, thrilled.

He couldn't believe the Jack Frost, king of the snowball fights, was in his room.

"But wait, what about..."

"Easter, North, Tooth, Sandy...they're all real. But the boogeyman is throwing a major fit and has damaged the belief in them because he's tired of being ignored. You know how everyone always calls me an expression, like your mum?" said Jack. Jamie nodded. "Well he used to have believers back in the Dark Ages until the Man in the Moon created the Guardians...as a result the belief people had in him was damaged and it made him a shade. Everyone losing their belief in things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny caused their powers to drop."

"What about you?" asked Jamie worriedly.

Jack grinned.

"Well unlike the Guardians, I know the power of the internet. Besides, I've been alone for a little over three hundred years before I decided to try my luck with computers. After all, you were quick to believe in men because of my website."

Hearing the racket outside, Jack grinned.

"Jack, he believes in you," said North with surprise.

"Why wouldn't I believe in the king of snowball fights?" said Jamie, honestly confused on that front. "I mean we spent hours trying to find him last month when he said he was in Burgess...even if we did end up missing him because we had a play to perform."

Three sets of blinks and one smug grin.

"What?" said Tooth finally.

Jack snickered.

"You guys really need to catch up with the times. I've been isolated and alone for three hundred years...did you really think all I did was 'mess up egg hunts'?" said Jack deliberately jabbing at Bunny. "I've had to learn hoe to adapt if only to counter the loneliness and isolation."

"Jack...does this have anything to do with the sudden snow storms that we kept running into to get here?" asked North suspiciously.

"Well I wasn't about to let Pitch destroy the fragile belief system I finally established. At least my believers still acknowledge the fact I exist, especially since I sent plenty of mystery snow storms to convince them I was real," said Jack, hooking a thumb at Jamie.

"Your believers?!" said Bunnymund, as if he couldn't accept what he was hearing.

Seeing the dark clouds race towards them, the Guardians decided to try and protect Jamie, since he held the last shred of belief. If he was taken out, then the belief in the Guardians would take a massivehit that would take years, if not decades to properly recover from.

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