Starting Again

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Author: JenniseiBlack 


Hermione finds herself in another reality and dealing with an ex she convinced herself was never real. Will she get home or remain stuck where she is?

Type: Harry Potter x Once Upon a Time

Pairing: Hermione x Killian


Hermione had no idea how she ended up falling from the sky and then hitting the water. Hard. Thankfully, her wand still clutched tightly in her hand. Swimming along the surface, she could hear muffled yelling. Her first worry was how had she ended up in the water seeing as she had just been standing in her office.

Breaking the surface, she gasped for air. She looked up, seeing a massive ship before her.

"Man overboard!" was yelled out as someone tossed a rope over the side.

Hermione was leery of going to the ship, until she saw a shimmer of something moving beneath her. She quickly swam over, slipping through the lasso of the rope before those on board hauled her onto the deck.

Sitting down on the deck, she glanced around, noting how strangle the men dressed.

"Damn." Hermione groaned as two questions popped into her head.

Where or rather when was she?

Who were these people?

"Well look at what we got here," a sweat covered man spoke up. "Pretty lass all by herself. Well besides us if course."

Hermione stood quickly as the crew laughed. Memories of the Death Eaters were ringing in her head. She was instantly on edge, but she still kept her wand down at her side.

"Who are you?" Hermione demanded.

"We're pirates. Name is Crank." The sweaty man informed her.

"Crank?" Hermione's nose crinkled up. "I hope your mother didn't name you that."

The words slipped from her mouth before the words caught up with her brain. Crank went red in the face, coming forward after her.

"Smart ass wench, you'll regret-"

"Bombarda!" Hermione exclaimed, pointing her wand at the pirate, sending him overboard on the other side of the ship. She cast a barrier between her and the crew before her, but still ready for anything else to come.

She wasn't ready for him though.

The Captain of the ship.

"If any of you value your life," a voice spoke up as the crew moved out of the man's way. "I suggest you don't anger the pretty witch."

Hermione froze slightly, the man coming through the crowd was sinfully handsome. Dressed in all black clothes, including a knee-length black coat. Even his hair was as dark as the night sky, but it was his eyes that caught her attention. They were as blue as the ocean around them. A stark contrast to the rest of him.

"Get back to work, all of you," the Captain commanded, not removing his eyes from Hermione.

"Captain, she tossed Crank overboard!" Another yelled.

"Yes, and no one moved to help the man, so mermaids dragged him down. Now don't make me repeat myself," he growled.

The crew scattered like roaches from his sight. Hook walked next to her but still kept a distance. "Lass, you don't have anything to worry about."

"Within the few moments I have been on your ship, one of your crew already tried to attack me," Hermione replied with a raised brow in his direction.

"Aren't you a spitfire," he noted with a smirk. "I like it."

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