Eye of the Storm

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Author: Meekobb

Platform: Fanfiction.net

Type: Twilight


Bella's gift as a human is grossly underestimated by the Cullens. As Edward's obsession sends her running for her life, her turbulent emotions throw her abilities into chaos. The question that begs an answer is who is capable of helping her now?


Since Bella returned from rescuing her idiot boyfriend from the Italian rulers, she'd grown more irritable and frustrated by his presence. She was never more pleased by the fact he was incapable of hearing her thoughts. He would be highly offended by what crossed her mind whenever he entered her line of sight.

If it wasn't Edward Cullen pissing her off with his overbearing, protectiveness, it was Alice. She'd shown up out of nowhere, dragging her across the globe against her will as she'd begun to get over the loss of the family's abandonment of her. While she entertained their attempts to forgiveness, only one of the so-called family had truly received it – although she felt he had not needed it in the first place.

Jasper had wisely kept his distance once he got a taste of her emotional state once Edward and Alice paraded her into the Cullen house after everyone returned to Forks to await their arrival from Italy. Despite his attempts to suggest to his brother and wife to back off and be mindful of the girl, he was readily dismissed as the cause of the problem. His eyes met Bella's and the internal rage she had never felt around them was almost glorious. He would admit that he was even more fascinated by the waves of anger she felt.

He felt her anxiety growing, the need and desire to be somewhere else. He could not help but wonder if more hadn't changed for her since the family left Forks. It could only have been amplified by whatever occurred in Volterra. As he watched her gaze remained fixated on the fireplace that Esme had lit for her arrival, he continued to taste her emotions as he eyed his siblings. He noted as the storm within her continued to swirl and he knew it would only grow, making him smile as the flames began to flicker in the windless home.

Usure if there was a draught somewhere, Jasper began to check the house to find the cause of it. Despite being a vampire, he was quite concerned of Chief Swan's reaction and didn't want Bella to catch a cold. Only each turn to focus on her, it was like absolutely nothing but the vampires around her were of interest.

When her gaze crossed him, he felt what seemed akin to a warning flowing underneath the very obvious contempt for the family. He needed to get her away and fast. Not just away from Edward, Alice and the others, but from Forks. He narrowed his eyes as he plotted an escape beneath decisions of shopping excursions that he typically was expected to take his wife out on. Picking up and including Bella would not cause the woman to think anything as she carried on her conversation with Esme. Getting the girl away from Edward would prove to be the more difficult of the two as he was the more compulsive and obsessive when it came to Bella. And not just about her blood. He was certain that by now, with the involvement of the Italians, the whole bloodlust problems was nothing in comparison to whatever that they will eventually would be facing.

Because no one walks away from the Volturi the way Alice, Edward, and Bella managed to without some underlying reason. And Jasper was certain that it involved the very peculiar human.


Bella had made it out of Washington state with Jasper's help and eventually south to the sunshine dominated states. However, she was well aware she was not safe from her overbearing ex-boyfriend. Although he would deny he was anything but such a term and they were far more advanced in their relationship than she ever recognized them to ever be.

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