Let Your Dreams Flood In - NSFW

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Author: Bertie Bott 

Platform: Fanfiction.net

Type: Twilight x Avengers

Bella is being hunted in a seemingly impossible way. When her aunt uses her connections to help her, what's Bella to do when she meets the Merc with a Mouth who claims to want her for his baby daddy? It's Avengers, Cable and Deadpool to the rescue – chimichangas all around!

Pairing: Bella/Wade Wilson

Warning: NSFW because Deadpool


"Are you sure about this, Pepper?" Bella asked for the umpteenth time, her trembling fingers pulling at a loose thread at the end of her right sleeve.

Pepper Potts looked to her niece, frowning at her sunken, burnt-out eyes and her trembling fingers. They weren't related by blood, but Pepper had been best friends with Renee throughout nearly their whole lives. Sister from another mister, they'd always joked.

So the day her best friend had died, followed by her ex-husband shortly after, Pepper had taken her role as Bella's guardian with the same seriousness and tenacity she did babysitting Tony. Bella was over eighteen and self-sufficient, but that didn't mean Pepper left her to her own devices. She flew out to Seattle often to visit her niece, chatting about her studies at university and always leaving feeling mildly concerned for Bella's emotional health.

Ever since her jerk boyfriend had up and left her in the woods, the poor girl had developed abandonment issues. Then her parents – the only family the girl had – both died within months of each other. Renee and Phil claimed in a tragic car accident and Charlie in a robbery at the Forks diner that had gone wrong. Ironically enough, he'd been off duty. Poor girl had suffered so much loss and carried it all with her, a constant shroud over her shoulders.

But Bella and Pepper had always been close, the young girl much more like Pepper's temperament than her own mother's. Renee had always joked that Bella was really hers, and while she had no plans to ever have kids – Tony was more than a handful on his own, thank you very much, Pepper had always thought she'd have been proud to have had a daughter like Bella.

That was why she'd made the judgement call she had during her recent visit. Bella and Pepper were the only family the other had left. Pepper's parents had peacefully passed on a few years ago, and Bella had no aunts, uncles, cousins or the like. Sure, Pepper had Tony, but she hardly considered her man-child boyfriend to be family in the strictest definition of the term; otherwise, their nighttime activities would be considered quite illegal, she smirked to herself.

But she and Bella were as good as blood. When she'd seen the harried, jumpy air around the girl, Pepper had to finally put her foot down.

"Are you on drugs, Isabella?" she asked bluntly, setting down her cup of tea as they sat at a corner café they'd chosen for lunch.

"What? No!" Bella had jumped and sputtered, her own drink spilling over the lip of her glass and down her lap.

Cursing under her breath, she grabbed a handful of napkins to mop up the mess.

"Then why are you twitching like a junky at Woodstock waiting for their next hit?"

Bella sighed and Pepper grew even more concerned when her eyes watered. It wasn't like Bella to cry or become emotional unless she was angry and there was nothing angry about her at the moment. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." she mumbled, trying to stealthily swipe at her tears.

Pepper reached out and grabbed the girl's still trembling hand. "Sweetheart, I'm dating Tony Stark, the Iron Man. You could tell me Lord Voldemort was tap-dancing behind me while wearing a tutu and I'd believe you. Hell, it wouldn't even be the weirdest thing I've seen this week."

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