Legal Alien

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Author: Whispering Darkness 


Type: Harry Potter x Avengers

Normal people didn't have to worry about this sort of thing when they go on vacation. They worry about things like losing their luggage, catching a cab or something similar. Not alien invasions. Harry, however, had never been normal. Then again, neither were these guys. One-shot.


This was supposed to be a vacation. After defeating Voldemort and ending the war he had wanted to step away from being Harry Potter, just for a little while. Not just to get away from the war and the horrifying memories he still had of it, but also to get away from the sudden lavishing praise the wizarding world heaped on him.

Ron didn't really get why he wanted to leave now that the war was over, now that most of the wizarding world had been rebuilt and people were celebrating. Even so his best friend had shrugged his shoulders and wished him a good time on his trip. Out of everyone it was Hermione who understood it best; his need to escape for a while now that it was over. She had encouraged him to go wherever he wanted to go – as long as he stayed out of trouble.

There was no escaping his luck, however.

Normal people didn't have to worry about this sort of thing when they go on vacation. No, other people may worry about things like losing their luggage or something similar.

Not alien invasions.

His instincts – honed by the too recent war and the years of playing Quidditch and having Bludgers whirled at him – warned him of an object flying towards him and without turning to see what it was he dodged to the right, seeking shelter in the wreckage of a building.

With a resigned sigh, Harry took off his necklace and enlarged it to form his emergency trunk. He swiftly took off his jacket and shoes and got decked out in his combat gear. Harry wasn't the type of person to splurge when it came to money, but while a full armour made of dragonhide would be considered a very extravagant buy for most people, to him it was more like a necessity.

Since he did have a penchant for trouble – it found him, not the other way around, no matter what Hermione says – it was best to be prepared.

A belt already filled with various potions and Weasley Wheezes was quickly fastened around his middle and his old phoenix feather wand slid into one of his hidden holsters before he shrunk this trunk to its previous size. He wasn't likely to need the wand as the Master of the Deathly Hallows, but Harry still didn't completely trust the wandless magic that came so effortlessly to him now.

The wizard spared a moment to take in his surroundings: people running and screaming, grey-greenish creatures in some sort of armour-like uniform spreading destruction, some sort of red flying robot firing muggle weapons at the aliens in turn and a large green rampaging being that seemed to be on their side; or at least against the other creatures...

Although Harry had learned a little bit more caution during the war, he was, and had always been, a Gryffindor at heart. The moment his eyes fell on a young woman trapped between two groups of the alien beings he jumped into the fray, the first few spells already past his lips before he even fully realized it. A quick wordless notice-me-not ensured that the aliens did not pay him any attention as he snuck up on them and a shield spell that Harry had gotten quite proficient at ensured the woman's safety as he quickly took out first one and then the other group of the creatures while they were still looking around trying to find his near invisible form amidst the wreckage in the streets.

No matter how many times he had fought, Harry knew he'd never really get used to it. Battles are always chaos. It consists of dozens of split-second decisions: stun them or hurl those bricks at them, dodge or use a shield, lead these people to safety or follow and attack the enemy instead...The chaos was even more complete because the battle took place in the middle of New York: buildings, cars, people, muggle weapons and aliens, screams, fire, explosions. There was no time to think things through, to worry about the consequences of using magic in front of muggles or about who was who. Instead, he just ran on instinct, pure and simple.

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