Leon Potter - Part 1

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Author: Lomonaaeren 

Platform: fanfiction.net

Type: Harry Potter

The moment that Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, a stranger appears – a Potter relative that Harry never knew he had. The stranger stands up for Harry, adopts him, and makes sure that no one can touch him. It's only later that Harry knows why.


"I really didn't put my name in the Goblet, Headmaster. I really didn't."

"I wish you would all stop staring at him so suspiciously. The boy is right, you know."

Harry flinches before he can stop himself. The voice is strange, and adult, and he doesn't want anyone intruding right now. He turns around, wondering if this is a newspaper reporter or someone from Durmstrang come to make his life miserable.

But it's not. There's a man standing before him with a tangle of dark brown hair falling to his shoulders, and green eyes so weary that Harry thinks it's like looking into a mirror. They're not the exact same shade of green as his, though, Harry decides after a second. The man is older and colder and harder. He doesn't wear glasses. He has a wand in his hand that's strange-looking and has carvings on it. The man isn't aiming it at anybody, but he's holding the wand in a way that says he definitely could if he wanted to.

"Who are you?" Karkaroff demands.

"One of young Harry's relatives," the man says. He turns away from Karkaroff and Dumbledore and Madame Maxine and the other Champions like they don't exist, facing Harry. "All right there, Harry?"

"No," Harry says, because he's stuck on the words. "You cant be one of my relatives! I don't have any left except the Dursleys."

"I'm sorry," the man says, his voice low. "My name's Leon Potter. I couldn't come before because there were – well, huge barriers in the way. Ones I couldn't cross. But I'm here now." For some reason, he looks at his wand, and then he looks at Harry again.

"Who would you be?" Dumbledore asks. Harry looks at the headmaster and his twinkling eyes, and thinks that Dumbledore is upset even though he's smiling. It's a strange feeling to have.

"Leon Potter. I thought I said." The man's voice is cooler.

"There is no Leon Potter." That's Professor Snape, his voice sliding in and making anxiety tangle up in Harry's stomach until it feels like he's going to vomit snowballs. "I know the Potter family tree. I helped Albus investigate it after the death of Lily and James Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived has no magical relatives left."

"Not true," the man says, glaring at Professor Snape. Harry has the weird feeling that the man respects the professor but doesn't like him all that much. "If you investigated the family tree, you must have noticed that there was a first cousin to Charlus and Fleamont Potter on there, yes? Elsie Potter?"

"She died without issue."

"No." Leon's smile is sad for a second. "She died without legally-acknowledged issue. She never told me who my father was, let alone anyone else."

Dumbledore looks at him for a second, and then frowns. "As interesting as this is, Mr. Potter, we are debating Harry Potter's entrance into the Triwizard Tournament right now, not who his relatives are."

"And it should be simple enough to prove that he didn't enter the Tournament." The man turns in place for a second, looking around the room as though he expects someone else to be there. "Where is Professor Moody?"

"Right here," the professor grunts as he stumps into the room. He freezes when he sees the man, though. Harry thinks it's the first time he's seen the professor's magical eye and his normal one pointed in the same direction. "Who are you?"

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