Mercy - Part 2

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Author: JenniseiBlack 


Type: Twilight x Harry Potter

Pairing: Hermione x Benjamin


Part 2


"Are you sure it's not just a cold?" Hermione asked again, not believing what she was hearing. "Can you check it again?"

"Ms. Granger – Hermione, I am sorry. I did run the test multiple times. I am sorry but you have Dragon Pox. It has also progressed much faster than it normally would. There's no treatment for it at this stage."

Hermione let her head drop in her hands. "I felt fine. I mean besides the cold." Hermione cried before looking back up, wiping the tears from her face.

"I am so sorry." Pansy Parkinson spoke softly, letting her professionalism drop. After Hogwarts, Pansy had become one of the leading Healer's in St. Mungo's.

"It's not your fault." Hermione replied sliding off the table. She grabbed her bag, glancing at Pansy. "Thanks for everything."

"Granger – Hermione, I advise you spend the time you have with the ones you love. I'm not sure how long it will be for you." Pansy said seriously.

Hermione nodded, leaving the room and the hospital/ She walked down Diagon Alley, staying away from the few people out shopping. She played the memories back from her last work trip out of the country. She had been sent out for work after receiving word of an old ruin that had been discovered in South America. One of the wizards working had had a cold. She could only guess that it was Dragon Pox now. She guessed catching that and working in the ruins only progressed it faster than normal.

Hermione coughed into her hand, looking down into her hand seeing blood. She couldn't tell the ones she loved goodbye in person. Glancing through the window of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, she saw her friends standing around the counter laughing with one another. Letting her tears fall, she apparated home, writing them a letter telling them she had been offered a job in another country that wanted her immediately, and had to leave with no goodbyes. Hermione waved her wand as bags appeared on her bed and her belongings flew into the bags. Looking around making sure nothing was left, Hermione left, taking her bags with her to the nearest apparation point. If she was going to die, she needed to see him again; at least be with someone that she wouldn't get sick.

After many apparation jumps, Hermione found herself in the familiar streets of Cairo. Reaching into her bag, Hermione grabbed a mirror, looking at her appearance seeing how haggard she looked. Placing glamours on herself she made her way to the hotel she had stayed at two years ago. Luckily the room she had gotten previously had just become vacant as the person had cancelled their stay.

Hermione stepped into the room dropping her bags, walking straight to the balcony, opening the doors, she looked over the beautiful city once again. She was so happy to be back once again; though not for this reason. Hopefully she would be able to find him tonight, seeing as how the sun was shining high in the sky. Walking over, Hermione laid down on the couch, closing her eyes as she listened to the sounds of the city until sleep claimed her.

Hours passed until Hermione's eyes opened up, noticing the light from the day was gone. Sitting up, she looked around the room seeing nothing had changed. A noise on the balcony caught her attention, letting her wand slide down from her sleeve, she stepped slowly outside. Where she saw Benjamin leaned back on the railing, looking at her with a smile.

"Benjamin." Hermione whispered placing her wand back in her sleeve. She moved quickly going to him, throwing her arms around his neck; as his arms wrapped around her waist. "You're here."

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