Lessons From Rome

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Author: The madness in me 

Platform: FanFiction.net

Type: Doctor Who x Avengers

"We've received intel that suggests the Nazis are going to send agents to capture the Pandorica." Agent Carter explained.


"We've received intel that suggests the Nazis are going to send agents to capture the Pandorica," Agent Carter explained.

Rory struggled to keep his emotions in check, first and foremost was always his concern for Amy who was still sleeping, trapped within this ancient alien cube, them excitement because holy hell that's Peggy Carter who is talking to him, honest to God British war hero who Rory had once written an entire essay about for his GCSE history project.

Lastly was just utter frustration, "Why?" He asked. "It's useless to them, they cant do anything with it."

The Agent sighed heavily. "The German intelligence is telling them that the British are guarding an unknown device which is rumored to be a powerful weapon. Personally, I don't know why we are trying to protect it at all, since as you said it is useless and our resources are better utilized elsewhere."

The Last Centurion bit back a scathing retort. It wasn't her fault, he reminded himself. She didn't know the true value of this artifact. Why it had to be protected at all costs. Why it could never be allowed to fall into the hands of people who would spare no effort trying to rip it open. From her perspective, this was wasted resources and as a nurse he could empathize with that, there were people dying out there and here they were protecting a box. It must seem ludicrous to someone who doesn't know. Whose whole reason for being isn't locked inside that box.

He only hoped that the protection they were offering him would hold out until the war was over, or at least until the Germans gave up on the idea of stealing it.

At least here on British soil he knew it was safe.

Rory had made contact with Torchwood several decades back, shortly after the organization had first become active. With certain codewords being mentioned' cough-Doctor-cough' he had enlisted their cooperation in protecting the Pandorica.

Once they realized it was useless to them, their support had been minimal at best, but it was all Rory needed and with the current threat looming it was enough to secure him some brief assistance from British intelligence and in turn Miss Carter.

"I have brought in a team for this task." The Agent explained looking more than a little put out. "It's overkill for such a menial assignment and usually I wouldn't even consider wasting their time on this, but they have just completed a mission in Belgium and need a break before they return to the front line, this will essentially be a holiday with a little guard duty on the side."

Rory grit his teeth and tried not to feel offended.

She doesn't know, he reminded himself again. Nobody knows.

At least he would have help if this threat turned out to be real.

He shifted slightly in the ill-fitting army uniform, a minor improvement from the Centurion getup which he had finally abandoned after it was scorched in the Great Fire. Technically he wasn't actually enlisted as a soldier. With no identification relevant to this time period he couldn't have, he had Torchwood to thank for allowing him to be here now, posing as a private with the worlds most boring security detail. It was a good cover and a convenient way to keep an eye on his charge.

"Thank you, ma'am," he saluted neatly, playing his role to perfection.

Agent Carter sighed again, turned to leave. "Captain Rogers and his team will arrive in the morning."

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