Angel With a Shotgun

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Author: Quetzalcoatls 


Type: Supernatural

Michael is sick of this. Of all the angels being excited about the Apocalypse. Fighting Lucifer the first time almost broke him, he cant do it again. He descends to Earth and finds Dean just as he's planning to summon the crossroads demon to bring Sam back and offers a better deal. But others aren't about to let this go without a fight. Good!Michael.


Dean closed the lid on the tiny box and took a breath. All he could feel was a gaping hole in his heart where Sam had been. He couldn't live like this; it was his job to protect Sammy. Regardless of what he had to do to do that. If it took selling his soul to a demon to fulfill his duty then he would fucking do it. It never crossed Dean's mind that losing Dean would be just as horrific for Sam as losing Sam was for him.

Walking to the middle of the crossroads, he stopped for a moment, staring at the ground before leaning down to dig the hole. His hand had barely touched the dirt before the air seemed to change, charging with power. Dean froze, that wasn't supposed to happen. He'd seen demons summoned plenty of times. The atmosphere would grow heavy, not almost electric. He didn't have long to think it over though as brilliant light whited out his vision. He had the impression of something massive settling around him. But somehow he wasn't afraid. Whatever this was wasn't going to hurt him, the very idea seemed almost absurd. His unnatural calm was enough to faintly set his hunter instincts screaming bloody murder in the background, but that was succinctly ignored as well.

"Dean Winchester." The voice was impossibly loud and had the distinct lilt of something other about it. Dean didn't even wince, even if he felt like the voice really ought to have hurt.

"Who's asking?" he countered, his odd calm not mitigating the snark in the slightest.

"I am the Archangel Michael; I wished to prevent you from making a grave mistake." That shook his mind almost completely out of the calm. Outrage at the claim waking him up.

"There's no such thing as Angels." Dean all but growled, disgust coloring his voice. The light shifted and six impossibly massive wings fanned wide. They were a deep sunset red; the tip of each long primary feather a brilliant metallic gold.

"Yet here I am, Dean. I know you have little reason to believe, but I would hope that this could be the proof that you need."

"Why, why now? After everything that's fucking happened, WHY NOW? And why me? Why not help all those poor saps that sell their souls to save the people they love, what's so fucking special about me?" he snarled. He didn't want to believe that angels were real, if they were real, then so was God. Then, then the world suddenly became a much more horrible place. Then it wasn't just senseless evil anymore. Then there was a God that could do something, but didn't. And to him, that was far worse than if evil and monsters was just the way it was. Michael sighed; Dean could feel the weight of horrible sadness weighing on the supposed angel.

"We are not allowed to interfere; no angel has walked the earth since Christ, Dean. Not til I came here to you. As for why...I have decided I will not stand aside anymore. If Father doesn't like it he can tell me that himself. I refuse to let THIS happen." Dean was stunned into silence at the proclamation. The archangel Michael was acting against God for him? Because he couldn't stand to see the senselessness of it all anymore?

"Thanks." He finally said, not sure what else he could say to that. The light that was Michael seemed to smile sadly.

"I didn't just pick you at random Dean. There is a reason I came to stop you, and not someone else. And I will admit I have selfish reasons for wanting to help you, but I think you of all people will understand them. Your Deal is the beginning. And I refuse to kill my brother, regardless of what he has done, I simply cannot."

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