My Best to Be Everything You Need - Part 3

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If Felix could be tired, he would be. Or maybe he really was – in the metaphorical, emotional sense. His body may continue on and never need rest, but it was like he felt too heavy to move, too burdened to care...

Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to be human, to truly be tired and be able to stop his body. It was a strange thought and not many vampires contemplate such a thing. But...he's had the thought before. What it would be like to be human...

If he had been human, maybe meeting her wouldn't have been so bad. Would the pain lessen? Probably not. No matter Edward Cullen's opinions about the fading memory of humans and everything eventually coming to pass for them so easily. After all, wasn't Bella proof that humans could feel pain, maybe even more so, maybe even more intensely?

Harry had been proof of that too – her beautiful eyes were tainted by that pain.

But he would have been able to dull the pain somehow. Drink himself into oblivion, kill himself without the aid of the others – who would never help him in the first place. If he had chosen to go down Edward Cullen's path, the other Volturi members would resolutely refuse and lock him up. Demetri would no doubt be ever vigilant and watch over him, if Felix had ever brought up these thoughts. And yet...

"Don't be stupid. You're being melodramatic and morbid."

He could hear Harry telling him something like that and even have a grin on her face. And he'd push away those brooding thoughts and make himself keep moving on, because he had a feeling it was something she'd want and approve of for him.

He'd lived his life recently in so much sorrow, that he tried hard at times to make himself live and do his best to be happy just for her. No matter how hard it got, he thought of her and did better to try to live his life. Because she would have wanted that.

He knew she would have.

Even if their meeting had been brief and just practically a night, he connected so deeply with her. He knew her. He just did. He didn't need years with her to know her, to know how she would think or say.

Felix knew deep down inside that it was the same for her. She knew him.

And that was the most satisfying thing for him. He could live knowing that, and even if he had to live forever...knowing her for even just a second was worth it.

Felix couldn't help smiling at that epiphany, and found himself relieved after feeling so unhappy for a long time.

"That a smile on your face, big guy?"

Bella Swan's voice was welcome to his ears, and Felix turned with a slight grin.

"Well look who's back," he stated with a bit of a tease in his voice. "Find what you were looking for? You were gone for quite a bit with Demetri," he raised his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes, but smiled softly. "Actually, I wanted to show you something. Demetri and I did set off to go somewhere, but..."

She reached out and was handing him something and he curiously accepted it. His grin dropped and he stared at the photograph.

"Demetri found it," Bella said softly. "We thought you should have it."

Her hands found his, the very one still holding the photograph delicately, afraid that he might accidentally crush it. She tenderly moved his hand to his chest, placing it – with the photo – over his heart.

"She leaned on you, when she wasn't feeling strong. And you leaned back. The two of you supported each other, even in the beginning, when you two didn't even know each other and had just met. Even though I wasn't meant to be with Edward, my time with him as a human had been a happy one. What would that say about you and her, when you two were meant for each other?"

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