Blind Spots

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AUthor: Grilled Cheesby 


Type: Bleach

Ichigo continued to frown, confusion making the lines cut deeper into his face. "I thought Urahara said we would be returned to our younger bodies?" Sousuke hummed, his stance relaxed as he watched the fight continue in front of them. "To be fair, I didn't have an actual body. I imagine since we went through together, it spit us out at the same place." Sousuke/Ichigo. Time Travel.


Ichigo glances around, taking in his surroundings, before frowning, his brow pinched in confusion. Sousuke is standing next to him, his uncovered eye roaming over the battle they had found themselves in.

Ichigo continued to frown, confusion making the lines cut deeper into his face. "I thought Urahara said we would be returned to our younger bodies?"

Sousuke hummed, his stance relaxed as he watched the fight continue in front of them. "To be fair, I didn't have an actual body. I imagine since we went through together, it spit us out at the same place."

Ichigo considered this for a second before shrugging. It threw a wrench in their plans, sure, but Ichigo was good at improvising, and it wouldn't take Sousuke long to reconsider everything. Ichigo tilted his head and winced at the violent blast of cold air that hit them, the building they were standing on cracking dangerously beneath their feet. In the distance, Toshiro Hitsugaya had released his Bankai and was informing the Aizen in front of him that he had come to violently kill him.

Sousuke, the one beside him, let out a faint snort and Ichigo couldn't help but roll his eyes at the man. Sousuke caught the action and just simply shrugged, the corner of his mouth coming up in dark amusement.

Ichigo watched in concern as the captains and the Vizards worked together to try and beat Aizen. "We should step in. There's no point to this."

Sousuke makes a noise in the back of his throat, like he disagrees with him, but he follows Ichigo when he moves forward, not saying a word as they shunpo towards the fight.

"When I talk about power," Aizen says as they grow closer, "this is what I'm talking about."

Captain Sajin Komamura attempts to put up a defense, but Ichigo knows it would be too weak to stop Aizen's attack. Ichigo doesn't need to say a word to Sousuke, both of them moving at the same time. Ichigo grabs the captain, flashing away a minor distance, before turning to watch the spectacle that is surely about to happen.

Everyone around them is staring in confusion and shock as a blandly smiling Sousuke stops Aizen's attack while only using two fingers against his Zanpakuto. Ichigo feels a flash of amused irony at the sight. Serves him right.

"What?" Aizen hisses out, his usual composure lost for a second.

Sousuke just continues to smile blandly at him, unamused before he collects reiatsu in his fingertips and fires it, causing Aizen to jump back in order to get away from the focused blast.

The others are staring at Ichigo now, finally noticing that there isn't just a single person's double walking around. He ignores them, never taking his eyes off of Sousuke. The man looks so bored, so unamused by their situation, that it makes Ichigo cackle. Zangetsu is equally amused, his own cackled echoing inside Ichigo's head. Sousuke obviously thinks that the ensuing fight he is about to have with his past self will hold no challenge to it. Granted, he's kind of right. Sousuke grows unbelievably powerful during his time locked up, even though his powers had already seemed God like. While Aizen is strong now, stronger than even Ichigo once the Hogyoku starts aiding him, Aizen is not stronger than Sousuke. It will be fun to watch the only person who can beat Aizen kick his ass: himself.

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