The Best Avenger - According to Teddy Lupin-Potter

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Author: ArielSakura


Type: Harry Potter x MCU


Teddy really, really wants to meet Hawkeye. So much so, he writes a letter. Harry/Clint


Teddy lay on his stomach in his room writing in his favorite multi-colored inks. He was just finishing off his letter. He was so excited! And he really wanted to meet Hawkeye, the letter had to be perfect! Harry had even agreed to let Teddy use his owl, Cleo, so he knew it would get there fast. Granted Teddy had asked Harry when he was in the middle of another argument with old Aunt Walburga.

Why Harry didn't just take a big hammer to the wall, Teddy didn't know. But that wasn't important right now. Only finishing his letter was.

Teddy capped his quill and laid it aside, blowing on the ink so that it dried properly. Wishing hard with all his might that Hawkeye would say yes. He grinned down at the multi-colored letter; he had used the ink that Uncle George had made special for him. It made it so that every word was a different color. It was awesome! And Uncle George had promised him a lifetime supply.

Teddy sealed up the letter with his special bubblegum pink wax, tied it around Cleo's leg and watched her fly off into the distance.


Clint was sitting on the large comfortable sofa in Stark Stower chatting with Thor. The big blond man was telling Clint of some of his various adventures across the Nine Realms and Clint found himself laughing at many of his tales.

Tony was half listening as he tapped away on his tablet and Natasha sat next to him sharpening some of her weapons. Bruce looked up occasionally from the book he was reading, and Steve had a sketchpad on his knee. It was a quiet afternoon for the Avengers and a much needed respite.

Jarvis' voice soon broke that peace, however.

"Sir, there appears to be an owl at the window wanting to gain entrance."

"Excuse me?" Tony asked, surprise coloring his voice as everyone jerked to alertness.

"The window, sir. An owl seeks entrance to the tower."

They all looked to the balcony, and true to Jarvis' word, as strange as it was, there was an owl, hovering in midair as it tapped its beak on the glass.

"Oh! It's a messenger bird!" cried Thor as he stood up, evidently to let the creature in. At his words, Clint's eyes darted to its leg, and he saw a scroll of paper attached there.

"Who uses messenger birds anymore?" Bruce asked quietly as Thor slid the door open.

"And why an owl?" came Tony's reply.

The ow swooped in and landed on the arm of the chair next to Clint. It held its leg out to him with an imperative hoot, and Clint slowly reached forward to undo the string that held the letter to the bird. With the task complete, the owl fluffed its feathers and stayed in place.

"Uh, why isn't it flying off?" Steve wondered.

Thor shrugged as he sat back down, "It's probably waiting on a reply."

Clint looked around the room before he unrolled the heavy paper and began to read. Amusement began to cover his features and a snort escaping him now and again as he read.

Dear Mr. Clint Barton Hawkeye Sir,

I'm writing to you because my Dad told me to write a letter for what I wanted for Christmas. I think he meant for me to send it to Santa, but everyone knows that Santa isn't real. Only, don't tell my Dad I know that yet. I think he doesn't want me to know, I hear him talking to my Aunt Hermione all the time about making sure I get to be a kid like he never was. Which I don't really understand, I mean, how can someone never be a kid? But the kids at school told me about Santa and when I asked Uncle George he got all sad and said it was true, but that Christmas was still a magical time of year and that's what I needed to remember.

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