A, Not The, Thank You Very Much

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Harry Potter x ROTG


"I can't believe it," said the little redhead as she swung her feet in their pink gumboots, and hopped off the edge of the picnic table she'd been sitting on.

"I know," said the large, humanoid rabbit, giving a weak chuckle as he held out the egg in his paw.

"There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny," the girl said, clearly unable to see him.

"No! Wrong, no, not true! I'm right in front of you, mate!" objected the grey-furred individual – just before a little boy walked right through him. "They don't see me? They don't see me," he whispered, and curled into himself.

"A-hem!" grumped a small, plain brown rabbit that, really, looked like every other wild rabbit did with dusty brown fur and a shining white tail. The little animals was up on its hind legs, a normal enough thing for rabbits. Unusual though, was that the rabbit wore a bag over one shoulder, the strap across its chest, and had a very stern expression on its face as it tapped one foot on the ground – to say nothing of it having spoken. "I beg your pardon. Late, thank you very much. The boss sprained both his feet the other day, and this is my first time doing the run on my own."

"The Easter Bunny!" several kids exclaimed, and they ran over to the small animal.

"A, not The, thank you, that's the boss," the small rabbit corrected, and twitched his whiskers. "I'm of half a mind to leave you all without any eggs at all for doubting like that, but the boss would skin me when he gets better, if I did that. Hmph."

"We're sorry," said a little boy with blond hair. "Should we close our eyes while you hide the eggs?" he asked.

The little rabbit chuffed and twitched his whiskers again. "Might as well just form a line. I'm running late to another ten egg hunts in the county, and hiding eggs takes more time than just handing them out," the rabbit said. "I'm not as fast as the boss normally is," he added in the tone of a petulant excuse-maker.

Little paws went into the little bag, and pulled out an egg that shouldn't have been able to fit inside of it. It was a bright, solid green all over. The one after that (and more than just the children were staring in awe at the little bag that had to be magic) was pink, then a blue one, then a yellow one.

"They're not fancy," the little rabbit acknowledged. "But I don't have the paws for fancy painting. I do the solid base coats and a few hunts; the boss does the fancy details – not to mention most of the egg hunts. Lousy time for him to get injured – and then you lot not believing in him! That won't help him, you know!" the rabbit snapped as he continued to pull egg after egg out of his little bag, handing one each over to each child.

"We're sorry," apologized a brown-haired girl earnestly.

"We promise, we wont stop believing again," swore a boy who was probably her brother.

"Hmph. Well, alright then," the little rabbit allowed. "That an egg for everyone? Yes? Good. Now, where did I put that..." the rabbit muttered and stuck both paws into his little bag again. "I'll never make it to the next egg hunt even close to on time without a good bit of magic."

A little hourglass on a chain was pulled out, and the chain pushed over the small brown rabbit's head and ears so that it hung neatly about the neck. The dial on the side was twisted over once, and then the little rabbit vanished.

"Wow!" breathed some of the kids.

"Where did he go?" asked others.

The children weren't the only ones wondering.

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