As Above, So Below - Part 1

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Author: Quetzalcoatls 


Type: Supernatural

Sam and Lucifer have another one of their little talks in Sam's dreams. But this time Sam has a question. A question that will lead Lucifer somewhere he doesn't want to be. Lucifer really should have known better, after all – Sam had more in common with him than he seems to realize, and turnabout is fair play.


Part 1


As usual, Sam sensed the chill of Lucifer's presence long before he actually turned up in his dreams. This one was for once not a memory of Dean's death or some hunt or another. But rather just a star scattered sky, the impala, and a massive empty field.

"Hello again, Sam." His voice was soft as usual, almost gentle. Sam ignored him in favor of staring up at the stars, thinking. Lucifer considered him for a long moment before walking over to the car and leaning against it casually. Sam found it odd just how fast Lucifer had picked up human mannerisms when even months on Cas still acted like a windup toy half the time. "Ignoring me Sam? It wont work." He commented. Sam hm'd thoughtfully before speaking.

"You know, I've always wondered – just how much of the story we have of what happened with Eve and the Garden is true." He asked. Lucifer tilted his head to the side, bemused.

"It's surprisingly accurate. Although where they get the bit about the snake from I've never quite figured out." He answered.

"Why did you do it?" Sam finally asked. Lucifer blinked, startled.

"I should think you know that Sammy." He answered dryly, but Sam just shook his head, still watching the stars.

"No, I know what everyone says your reasons are. I want to hear it from you." Lucifer studied him for a long moment, an odd expression on his face.

"When Father first created should have heard him. He thought you were perfect! But me...I could see they were anything but perfect. Humans were flawed. I could see the potential in them, the evil creatures they could be. I tried to tell him, but he told me I was wrong, he wouldn't listen, so I set about proving it. The rest, as they say, is history." Sam was still, carefully not looking at Lucifer.

"Potential." He finally said, softly. "We didn't actually do anything to show you we were flawed, it was just...potential." Lucifer shrugged. Sam sighed slowly, trying to keep his cool. "You do realize you proved that more than just humanity was flawed that day, right?" he asked after a moment. Lucifer frowned at him.

"And what could that be? That humans are gullible?" he snapped. Sam snorted.

"No, you proved that even if it seems to be buried a little deeper, angels are just as flawed." The breath was driven from Sam's lungs as he was wrenched off the hood of the car and slammed against the door.

"Excuse me?" Lucifer asked, his voce deceptively calm. Sam choked for a moment before getting his breath back and answering with a defiant and knowing glare.

"Have you taken a look at the siblings you dragged down with you lately? I've had the misfortune of meeting a few. They're just as bad, if not worse, than the demons." Sam hissed back. "If we have the potential for evil Lucifer, then get it through your thick skull that they became the same kind of monsters we do!" Sam was shouting by the end, a snarl on his lips. Lucifer just stared at him rather wide eyed. Sam snorted in disgust at his silence. "You know what the only major difference really is?" He asked suddenly, as slight smirk on his lips. "The Apple." He chuckled. "The ability to know the difference between good and evil That's the difference." He snorted again grimly amused. Lucifer could only stare in dumbfounded shock as Sam continued. He wasn't about to stop now; he was on a roll. "Humans may be flawed but at least, thanks to you, we can recognize that flaw for what it is and try to do better. Angels can't seem to do that. Oh sure you might academically know what the difference between good and evil is, but you don't know it." Sam shrugged as best he could while pinned to the side of the Impala. "Maybe you should see about getting one of those apples for yourself, you might learn a few things." He taunted.

Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He stared for a moment longer before abruptly vanishing. Sam snorted and straightened up even as the dream began to fade, and he woke up. He wondered absently as he pried himself out of bed to get the first shower, if Lucifer had really listened to what he was telling him. Maybe, maybe not. He would probably never know.


Several days later, Lucifer was leaning against a tree in the forests of northern Canada, contemplating the piece of fruit held in his hand. It did superficially resemble an apple, but no apple have ever been this perfect shade of crimson red. The same color as blood he noted absently. He had – as Sam had taunted him to – gone to really look at his brothers and sisters who resided in hell. To prove him wrong, but now that he stopped to think about it, Sam was right. He'd had difficulty even finding them – unable to readily tell the difference between his siblings and the demons.

Still, he considered the fruit. Getting it had been surprisingly easy. The tree wasn't really guarded anymore, the damage already done supposedly. One of his spies had stolen it without question. Probably thinking he wanted to mock the humans with it.

He hesitated, wondering if he really wanted to know. He'd made it this far without that understanding, but now...that look in Sam's eyes, that knowledge, that even when he looked through the human's thoughts – he couldn't understand. Scowling he snorted and took a bite, he would understand. And he would still be right; he knew that with absolute certainty.

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