Got Drugged

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Author: Spnfandom8


Type: DC x Criminal Minds


Warnings: Homophobia (not by main characters) and a drugged character.


"Come on, Jason, it'll be fun!" Garcia says, bouncing up and down in front of my desk, drawing a smile from me.

"Fine, but I'm going home to change first," I tell her, wanting to get out of this clean cut professional outfit that Alfred insisted on.

Apparently when you take a job with the BAU, you shouldn't show up to your interview, or your first day, in jeans and a leather jacket.

I've been wearing a suit the last three months I've been working here, and being dragged to galas and balls with Bruce when I was younger made me at least used to wearing one.

This isn't the first time that I've been invited to go out with the team, but it's the first time that I don't have patrol or a case when they're going out.

"Oh, you mean that Jason Peters doesn't always wear this suit and tie?" Garcia asks with a flirty smirk.

"God no," I tell her, shoving papers into my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"We'll be at the bar at eight," she tells me cheerily, eerily reminded me of Dick when she grins and bounces off to convince Reid that he has to come with us.

"What? No hot date tonight man?" Morgan says with a smile as he spins his chair around to face me.

"Nope, I'm free to hang out with you fuckers," I tease, kicking my chair into my desk as I walk towards the elevators.

"Yeah, I'll see you later man," he says with a smile, already used to my brash language and teasing way of showing that I don't hate people.


I let out a sigh of relief as I tear the suit off when I get to my apartment, changing quickly into a pair of dark jeans that are thrown over a chair in my room, a clean t-shirt with my brown leather jacket over that, quickly strapping a few knives onto my body as well as a few other useful little items before I go to my bathroom. I grab my brush from the drawer, dragging it through my hair and wincing at the pulling strands, previously stuck in place with gel. I run my hands through my hair a few more times to make sure I've brushed the gel out of it before I grab the keys to my bike instead of my car and head out.


I pull into the parking lot of the bar and smile when I see that most of the team is just gathering at the front door, probably having arrived around the same time.

I pull into a space in front of them, seeing the curious looks I get from Garcia and Prentiss, and the admiring ones my bike gets from Hotch and Morgan.

I quickly turn it off, pulling my helmet off my head and knocking the kickstand down before I get off.

"Hey guys," I greet, grinning when Garcia's jaw drops.

"Oh my god, Jason! I thought you lived in suits. I mean, I knew you had a bad boy side, what with your mouth and all. But damn," she says, causing me to laugh.

"This is actually what I live in, someone close to me told me that I would never get the job if I showed up to my interview wearing this, and he definitely frowned upon me wearing anything but a suit for a job with the FBI," I tell her, putting my keys in my pocket.

"You look so comfortable in a suit though?" Prentiss remarks.

"That's what years of stuffy ass galas and balls does to a kid," I tell them, running my hand through my hair.

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