My Best to Be Everything You Need - Part 2

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Bella Cullen hadn't known what to do. When she left her home with the Cullens, she hadn't exactly been thinking. All she knew was that she had to leave, and she definitely had to leave Edward. She had told Renesmee all that she could about the situation and her daughter had gone and left with her.

And for some reason, there she was in Volterra, Italy, standing in front of the group of vampires' abode of whom she had once desperately wanted to stay away from.

"You know, I told you before. I don't think he's the right one for you."


Bella looked down at her daughter. "Everything will be fine, sweetie. Let's go."

Making her fateful decision, she grasped her daughter's hand and went inside the castle with her. It wasn't long until she ran into one of them, and of all of them, it had to be the that playful and yet sad vampire that had jokingly claimed 'dibs' on her.

"Felix, right?" she said first.

He smiled at her, but it was as sad as she remembered it. "That's right. You came here?"

Bella nodded, caressing her daughter's head as Renesmee shyly cuddled closer to her.

"Told you he wasn't the right one," Felix murmured, turning and then heading away.

She followed after him, holding onto her daughter's hand tightly.

He'd led her all the way to the throne room. From there, she met all three Kings and asked for asylum. For some reason, it was like they'd expected her, though they took curious glances at her daughter, who continued to shy away and hide behind her.

"Truly a gift," Marcus, usually the most silent and almost rather miserable of them, surprisingly said aloud. He was staring at her daughter with melancholy eyes. "A gift from one who shouldn't have ever gone to you."

It seemed everyone but her had known Edward Cullen wasn't her true mate, and she was the only one duped.

"Stay here all you like, Isabella," Aro smiled widely, standing up and holding his arms open in welcome. "You are welcome, and we will turn away all Cullens, if they do come, if you so wish us to."

"Thank you," she whispered.

Aro called over another vampire, one she recognized as Demetri. He had him directed towards Bella and her daughter, and was to escort them to their new rooms. As they left, she couldn't help her eyes being drawn to Felix and see him sadly gazing off to the side, and felt her heart ache.

It wasn't until they were halfway to where their rooms were to be, that Demetri spoke up out of nowhere.

"Don't mind him," Demetri said softly, and she had a feeling he meant Felix. "He's been heartbroken for a long time now."

Bella looked down, though her daughter squeezed her hand in comfort. When she looked back at Demetri, she gave a sorrowed smile.

"I wish I would find someone who'd love me the way he loved her."

Whoever it was had been dearly loved, and she wished someone would dearly love her and her daughter as well.


"What was her name?" she asked Demetri a few days later, as she combed Renesmee's hair.

Demetri, who had taken to getting her used to the castle and providing her and Renesmee company, gave her an amused look.

"You're still on about that?"

She just firmly kept her gaze on him, and relented.

"Henrietta," Demetri reluctantly revealed. "And, mind you, I only found out by accident. Felix doesn't talk about her. I was snooping in his room one time, and found a note from her. Her name was at the end."

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