As Above, So Below - Part 5

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"Oh come on, Lucifer." Gabriel complained. "Let me out already, I'm not eating it!"

"Now, Gabriel, I cant just do that. How could I leave my adorable brother to suffer so?" Lucifer answered sweetly.

"I am not adorable." Gabriel hissed. Lucifer just smiled indulgently.

"No matter how old you get, you will always be that little puff of golden feathers to me."

"Can you please just let me out now?" Lucifer just smiled serenely at Gabriel's growl.

"Are you going to give in to the inevitable?" he countered. Gabriel glowered. Such was the pattern the last twenty minutes. A knock on the warehouse door had them both looking at it curiously. The door cracked open, and Sam stuck his head inside looking vaguely annoyed.

"Are you guys done harassing each other yet?" he asked. Lucifer shrugged.

"No, not really. Why?" he asked before Gabriel could comment. Sam shrugged.

"Right, we're going back to the motel. Try not to kill or maim each other, okay?" Lucifer frowned heavily at Sam before giving Gabriel a speculative look.

"No killing, but I'm not sure about the maiming at this point, we'll have to see how it goes." He answered finally with a shrug. Gabriel eyed him worriedly.

"Uh, Sam? Can you let me out of here before you go? The fires kinda uncomfortable." Gabriel chimed in hopefully. Sam gave him a lazily amused smirk that left no doubts as to whose vessel he was.

"I don't know Gabriel, I'm not really sure I'm over TV Land yet." He answered, Gabriel's slightly panicked glance at Lucifer making him roll his eyes. "Right, have fun you two." The door snapped closed again. Lucifer turned back to Gabriel with a more than slightly evil grin.

"So, where were we?" he asked sweetly. Gabriel winced, but before the older archangel could start in on him again, the fire alarm went off with a shriek. A moment later, they were both doused with water. Lucifer's deadpan expression made Gabriel snicker. Outside, Sam snapped the door on the alarm system closed, a little hasty rewiring having set off the sprinklers. He darted back to the car and Dean with a grin.

Lucifer huffed and prepared to shut the system off with a flick of grace when he paused and glanced back at Gabriel, or rather the sputtering fire surrounding Gabriel. A moment later, the fire finally lost the battle with the deluge and sputtered out. With a flurry of wing beats, a grinning Gabriel bolted. Lucifer lunged after him with a curse.


"So, do you think he caught Gabriel yet?" Dean asked. Sam snorted from his spot on the other motel bed with his laptop, glancing up to see Dean cleaning on of his guns.

"Doubtful. Gabriel's supposed to be ridiculously fast, even by angel standards. They're probably still flying around somewhere." He answered. Dean smirked faintly, snapping the gun together and putting it under the second pillow.

"So, got any jobs for us?" Sam frowned at his computer.

"Well, there's some weirdness going on about fifty miles west of here. Honestly, I'm thinking angels from the descriptions of the incidents. But it seems to be an ongoing thing, they never really seem to stick around when they start shit."

"You sure its not dumb and dumber?" Sam shot him a dirty look.

"I'm telling them you said that." He countered mildly. Dean gave him a mock hurt look.

"You'd throw me under the bus like that Sammy?" he demanded.

"Yup." Sam answered sagely, not bothering to look up from the laptop.

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