As Above, So Below - Part 6

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Sam was just about pulling his hair out in worry when the knock on the door came. He froze, staring at it for a moment, before stepping over and yanking it open. His brother stood on the other side, looking none the worse for his adventure. Dean gave him a lopsided grin.

"Hey ya Sammy. Didn't worry too much I hope?" he asked.

"De...Dean?" Sam stuttered. Dean grinned.

"Yeah man, I'm fine. And have I got a story for you." Sam stared. His eyes narrowed warily; a moment later Dean was yanked off the ground from behind. Dean scowled over his shoulder at Lucifer, the fallen archangel just smirked.

"Lucifer?" Sam asked flatly. Lucifer quirked an eyebrow.

"He's definitely been in heaven, but it's still just Dean." Lucifer finally said. Dean rolled his eyes.

"For now, yeah. That's what I need to talk to you and Gabriel about." Dean answered. Lucifer's eyes narrowed.

"For now?" he asked dangerously. Dean rolled his eyes.

"I talked Michael into a snack." He explained mildly. Sam and Lucifer stared, not getting it for a second. Lucifer's eye widened almost comically as it clicked.




Michael stared at him blankly. Dean tried not to blink too much as he looked back, wondering just how much of an explosion he was going to be getting. He saw a terrifying expression flit over Michael's face for a moment before it was gone. Michael was quiet. Thoughtful. Somehow Dean knew this should terrify him. "Those are the only things you ask in return?" Michael finally asked. Dean nodded, not quite letting himself hope yet. Michael descended back into silence. "Why do you need to speak with them first?" Dean snorted at this.

"Because you just had me kidnapped and dragged to heaven? If I suddenly show back up with you along for the ride, Gabriel and Lucifer are not going to wait around long enough for you to explain that you just want to talk. So yeah, I need to tell them first." Michael nodded slowly, looking tired in a way that Dean could sympathize with. It was all just too much sometimes.

"I will return shortly." Michael said with a sharp nod, a glint of something like determination in his eyes now. Dean studied him with narrowed eyes.

"Michael," he said softly. The archangel focused back on him sharply at his tone. Dean was unflinching under that gaze though. "If you try to lie about eating the apple, I will be able to tell if you haven't done it." He pointed out coolly. Michael studied him intently for a moment before inclining his head in a slight nod and letting the illusion vanish. Dean heaved a sigh. All he could do now, he supposed, was wait, and hope this gamble paid off. There was always a danger of what he had warned Sam about with Lucifer. Humans managed to ignore what the knowledge gave them with plenty of ease if the mood took them. He supposed they had a hell of a lot more practice than any angel however, but it was still something to keep in mind. Michael crossed him as being something, different, than the other angels – even Lucifer. There was no telling whether or not the apple would work on him as it had on Lucifer. Dean's lips quirked up in a sardonic smile. He'd taken his leap of faith here; it was time to see if he was going to go splat or not.

Only minutes passed when someone else abruptly appeared next to him. Dean flinched away from the angel and turned to dodge whatever attack was headed his way, only for one steel hard hand to wrap around his upper arm – yanking him off balance. A moment later, the Garden blurred away in the sound of wing beats. A few moments later, things snapped back into focus, and he found himself standing in...the roadhouse? He staggered a nit as he was released, and turned to glare at the angel that had snatched him. He could worry about the roadhouse later. The angel's vessel was an older black man with a rather weathered face and an easy smile.

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