The Pandorica

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Author: Alarose


Type: Doctor Who x MCU


The Pandorica. A legendary box containing the universe's greatest threat is a great temptation. The Avengers are about to find, however, that they are not the only guardians out there.


The sudden beeping interrupted their arguing.

"Sorry, kids, guess you wont get to see my little party trick," Bruce muttered as he stalked off to the screen to see the locations.

"Where is it?" Fury asked roughly. Bruce's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the readings.

"Well, there's one large reading. I assume that's the tesseract itself, but there's also several similar readings heading towards an unknown location at extremely high speeds," he said, flicking the screen to send the information over to Tony.

"That's probably Agent Barton and the others," Natasha said, looking at the group of blue dots.

"Yes, and whatever they're after is not going to be good for us. Several agents and I will try to get the tesseract itself; I want the Avengers going after that group of people. Any ideas for where they're going?" Fury demanded.

"Jarvis?" Tony asked. A voice rang out from the computer console.

"After going over the data, I believe that the most likely location is a history museum located in Leadworth, Britain. There is an object in there giving off a faint signal similar to the tesseract," Jarvis replied.

"Alright, Jarvis, let me know when you know which object specifically. We're heading for England!" Tony said, fist pumping his way out the door. Bruce shook his head and ignored Thor and Fury's arguing, probably about who should get the tesseract, and walked out. He was not planning on going on this mission at all. Stick him right in the middle of a fight in a museum filled with precious breakable artefacts? Bad idea. As for Steve, well, he was grumbling the whole way there about getting along with Ironman. It wasn't until they were almost there when Ironman received word about what the group was probably after. Clicking the side of his head, he opened the speaking channels to all of the Avengers.

"It's called the Pandorica, and legend says that it contains the most powerful and most terrible fiend who ever lived," Jarvis' voice echoed.

"So, it's got something really bad inside it," Tony clarified.

"Not just bad, Man of Iron, a terrible fiend who has destroyed hundreds of worlds and ruined lives," Thor spoke.

"So you know what's in it?" Steve asked. There was a pause.

"Not exactly, but I have heard stories and Loki has as well," Thor said.

"Right, so it's got something really really bad inside it. I'm guessing we don't want to let it out?" Tony asked.

"No shit, Sherlock," Natasha replied scathingly. Really, she may be one of the best fighters in the world, but she didn't have any superpowers of any kind. And she was worried about Barton.

"Hey now, I happen to quite admire Sherlock. He's got a lovely wit," Tony said, you could hear his smirk.

"We're here," Steve interrupted. And indeed they were. As the plane flew over the museum, the group jumped out. Natasha and Steve both opened their parachutes as they landed on the roof, Tony and Thor flying in.

"Well, I think we managed to beat them here. Let's go set up a welcome party," Tony said, striding towards the rooftop door. It was locked, but nothing a little Ironman strength couldn't open. Steve glanced up at the fading sunlight.

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