Hello There - Part 1

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 Author: lil'hawkeye3 

Platform: FanFiction.net

It started out as a routine retrieval mission. Obi-Wan Kenobi hadn't been expecting to learn he had a soulmate, less that she would appear in a shower of golden light. It wouldn't take long before he couldn't imagine not having a soul bond with Hermione Granger. Even time and space cant keep a perfect pair apart.

Type: Harry Potter x Star Wars

Pairing: ObiwanxHermione


This takes place during the Golden Trio's seventh year for Hermione, and around the year 36/35 BBY (i.e. three years before Phantom Menace) for Obi-Wan. Hermione is 18, and Obi-Wan is 21/22.

Obi-Wan Kenobi had seen many things in his life. He'd been to numerous planets and star systems. He'd met creatures of all shapes and sizes – and droids too, of course. He'd seen underwater cities and planets with four suns and scientific creations so advanced that others would claim it was magic.

That being said, he'd never actually believed in magic. Sure, there was the Force (which was magic enough to some), but the Force had its own sentience. It was far more than just silly tricks and illusions.

Yes, Obi-Wan Kenobi would laugh at the concept of magic being real.

Or at least, he would until someone set the record straight for him.

He hadn't been planning to fight on this particular day. It was supposed to be a simple security mission regarding an informant of the Jedi Order.

He really should have expected it all to go to shit.

They were cornered in the middle of a hallway with those infuriating little battle droids firing on them from either side. He had pressed the informant up against the wall behind him, so any blaster fire aimed at the target would have to get through his defenses first. The informant had been told not to draw their weapons under any circumstance – they were too identifiable, and they didn't want enemies aware of who they were. Thus, it was left to Obi-Wan alone to get them out of the situation and to safety.

Obi-Wan was twirling his lightsaber as fast as he could to block from fire on either side. It was times like this that he wished he had dual sabers, but grudgingly conceded that only a very select few managed such a feat.

One Jedi in a weak defensive position against a dozen armed battle droids wasn't the best odds, though. A stray shot slipped by his left side as he swiveled to deflect from his right, and he heard the informant let out a pained cry from behind him. He cursed, glancing over to make sure it wasn't a critical hit –

Only to feel a searing pain in his shoulder. It took him all his willpower not to drop his lightsaber, knowing he still needed to protect himself and the informant. His other arm was still fine, so he gritted his teeth together and shifted his stance, narrowing his eyes as he reached up with his hand to try and swat away the two closest droids into their squad members.

He paused, staring at his hand as his skin began to glow. The blaster fire stopped as well as the droids observed this new occurrence.

"Is this a Jedi trick?" One of the infernal machines asked in its high-pitched voice.

Obi-Wan didn't have a chance to come up with a sarcastic reply as a girl materialized in front of him, her skin glowing the same golden hue that his was before fading abruptly. Her stance reminded him of other seasoned warriors he had encountered throughout the galaxy: her knees were slightly bent, her face was blank, and it looked as if she had a weapon aimed to protect herself from oncoming threats.

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