Family Series: Uncle

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Author: Banana Flavored Eskimo


Type: Harry Potter x Supernatural


Hermione discovers that her dear Uncle is into some really paranormal things. Things that are far beyond even an accomplished witch such as herself.


"This is it."

Her boots shuffled along the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt with each step. Adjusting her baseball cap, her whiskey colored eyes squinted against the harsh sunlight.

Was this it? The only way she would ever know was if she actually had the courage to ask.

Several months ago, her only desire had been to retrieve her parents from Australia. She was stupid to think that they would be safe. They were muggles. How could they possibly stand against a fully trained dark wizard? What little edge they had, had been robbed from them the moment she erased all memories of the magical world from their minds.

She had hunted the bastard down and cursed him. Remorse was something that escaped her with the war. She knew that placing him under an unforgivable would make no difference. It wouldn't bring her parents back, but she'd felt some sort of twisted satisfaction knowing that he was now rotting away in Azkaban, the crippling pain from her curse a constant reminder.

She had wanted to escape. The war was still so fresh in everyone's mind and despite the fact that Harry had triumphed, the remnants of darkness still clung to their world like a sick coat of darkness that would take years to eradicate.

It was a responsibility on her part, but she saw it more as a blessing. Her father had been an only child, but her mother had an older sister. She was a bit of the black sheep in the family, running off to America in order to pursue her dream to become an actress.

Her aunt ended up working for minimum wage in some dingy roadside diner and marrying a gruff looking man who salvaged automobile parts for a living. It wasn't particularly the dream that the woman had left to chase, but she was strangely happy in America.

She recalled meeting them once during a family trip to the Americas. The Granger family had stayed two weeks in Winner, South Dakota, before moving on to see obligatory landmarks and crowded tourist attractions.

During those two weeks, Hermione had learned that her gruff uncle had a very dry sense of humor, was completely head over heels with her aunt and continually referred to her as girl.

However, that was years ago. What would her aunt and uncle say when they learned of her parents' death? Would they even care? They had to. They were family. True, they rarely communicated save for the odd phone call during Christmas every now and then, but otherwise they barely contacted one another.

Taking a deep breath, she shifted somewhat uncomfortably in place. She had been standing in front of a shifty building surrounded by piles of scrap metal and other discarded car parts for at least ten minutes now.

"You can do this Granger." Somehow, that actually gave her a bit of confidence.

"You going to stand there all day girl?"

Shifting her weight, she brought her hands up in a defensive stance only to pause in surprise. "Uncle Bobby?"

Bobby Singer tilted his head to the side, his mocha colored eyes taking in the slip of a girl looking ready to fight him. His mind thought the idea of her possibly engaging in a fight with him hilarious, but his instinct said otherwise.

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