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Author: wintergreen825


Type: Harry Potter x Supernatural

Who better to clean up the mess of an archangel turned trickster than a Master of Death?


Sam looked up tiredly as a slim Indian girl who looked like she might be fifteen at the most slid into the booth across from him. She was wearing a pants suit that was a shocking shade of lime green. Tiny yellow and white flowers were embroidered on the lapels of the blazer. The deep purple of the blouse she wore underneath somehow went well with it. Her long black hair had been braided and then twisted up into a stylish bun held in place with a stick that had a bunch of charms in the colors of various pride flags dangling from it.

He felt a glimmer of interest because this had not happened in any of the other loops. On the other hand, Sam had also lost count of how many times he has seen his brother die now and that had begun to take its toll on him. He was quickly running out of hope that there was even a way to stop the curse they had managed to get caught up in.

In short, he was exhausted and summoning the energy to be curious about anything was beyond in,.

He watched as she calmly ordered a cup of hot tea from the waitress. They waited in silence for the tea to arrive. After the waitress had delivered it and left, the woman pulled out a tiny jar of honey that was a dark amber color. With careful precision, she fixed her tea.

"He's an idiot," she announced in a British accent after making the jar disappear back into her colorful blazer. She took a single sip of tea and set it back on its saucer. Sam sighed wearily.

"Dean?" he asked.

"Oh, him, too, I suppose," she said. She fidgeted with her teacup for a moment before dropping both hands into her lap. "I mean, this whole thing really started when he decided to be a self-sacrificing idiot and throw his life as well as his soul away like it's so much worthless trash." She shrugged. "I was actually referring to my half of things. He takes his role as a Trickster very seriously, but (and this is a fairly large but, I'm aware), he's an idiot."

"Wait," Sam said, suddenly feeling like he got a second wind. "Are you saying that this is the work of a trickster?"

"Yes," the woman agreed, "and he's very, very sorry for what he put you through. Isn't that right, Gabriel?"

"Harini," said Loki as he turned around in the booth behind her. Without turning around herself, she lifted a hand. All fight drained out of the trickster instantly. Loki turned his full attention towards Sam. "I may have gone a bit overboard trying to teach you about the inevitability of Dean's death." He might have stopped there except that the pointed way Harini cleared her throat. "And I am very, very sorry for causing you distress above and beyond what you were feeling, even though you should totally have thanked me-"

"And that's enough out of you, love," Harini decided. She moved her hand as if pulling a zipper. Accordingly, one manifested across Loki's lips – no, she had called him Gabriel, hadn't she? "I love him dearly, even when I'm forced to clean up his messes. I'm sure you understand the feeling."

Sam did, actually. Even with all the fights between them, there was still a part of him that would love to be cleaning up after his dad still. It just wasn't as desperate as the part of him that did not want to miss cleaning up after Dean.

"Well, I cant do anything about demon deals," Harini explained after another careful sip of her tea. "I am afraid that Dean will just have to tough it out on his own until it's time for him to fly the coop." Gabriel made a few frantic noises like he was trying to say something. She gestured sharply again to silence him before giving Sam an apologetic smile. "Did I spoil the story by announcing that his death with not be permanent?"

Harini covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers. Her emerald eyes glittered with satisfied mirth above them. Then she gave a shrug that managed to be both delicate and imperial at the same time. Her smile grew to Cheshire Cat proportions as she leaned forward over the table.

"You're welcome," she said as both her and Gabriel faded out of existence, leaving only the ghostly image of her toothy grin in her place. After another moment, even that faded completely from sight.

Sam shook himself and immediately got up to go find where Dean had wandered off to.

He wanted to put as much road between them and this hell of a town as quick as humanly possible.

Fucking Tricksters.

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