Strange Sorcerer, Weird Wizard

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Author: The Seven of Us 


Type: Harry Potter x Doctor Strange

*Minor spoilers* Doctor Strange had seen quite a few...well, strange things during his tenure as the Master of the New York Sanctum. But even he has to admit that a slightly catastrophic visit to the London Sanctum takes the cake. Especially when his Cloak keeps trying to hook up with another cloak.


Set after Strange has been at the New York Sanctum for a bit.

When he stepped out of the London Sanctum, Doctor Strange was not planning on getting attacked. Then again, most of the time that he'd been attacked, he hadn't been planning on it.

But the point was that he, like most regular human beings, liked food – which, after the mess that he'd just finished cleaning up, had been in short supply. And his stomach was filing complaints. Many, and to any and all departments that might care.

So stepping out onto the street into the middle of a firefight was a bit of a downer. Frankly. Strange was surprised that they hadn't stopped to wonder what that weird growling noise was. His arms lashed out and forearm shields appeared, dimensional energy lancing through his body. One of them shattered when a green light impacted it head-on, but since the light had dissipated with his shield, his disregarded it and quickly formed a new one, energy flow being directed to the now-bare arm.

The side that had sent the green light faltered when his shield blocked it – and now that he had time to think about it, what exactly were they using? Most aerial weapons (namely bullets) had become useless against the intricate, geometric shields. These lights were not bullets, nor were they fireworks or even glowing chemicals being spat across the makeshift battlefield. As he watched them exchange the lights for a moment longer, he realized that they all did something different. Red and green lights dropped the person (sorcerer?) where they were standing, but light blue lights cause people to be cut and pink lights caused them to wobble dangerously for a moment and then fall over.


"Don't just stand there and look intimidating with your cloak and fancy glowing shields!" one of the people in the red robes yelled. "Do something!"

Do something? Okay, let's get the innocent people out of the way. Then I can figure out what the hell is going on.

He let the energy coil in his gut, before twisting it savagely and shattering it into the world, engulfing both sides of the opposition and moving them and himself to the Mirror Dimension.

They all stumbled as they landed, seemingly right where they had been.

Then they all looked at him.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not entirely certain what you are, but I didn't want anyone innocent getting hurt. So please, go ahead. I'll just stand right here while you duke it out."

The red robe who addressed him earlier snorted. "That's not what I – we're – whatever. Don't talk anymore."


Apparently, the ones in the black robes and masks took offense, because they began targeting him. More green lights careened his way, and he dodged most of them and set shields in the way of the ones that he couldn't. He popped his neck and let one glide by his ear, before resuming his stance from before, looking completely unbothered. Strange loved doing it. It irritated everyone. He had gotten better, but he still loved being an asshole to the ones that targeted him.

A few glanced at one another.

One of them got close enough to touch, and for a moment it seemed like he would. Then the stick appeared, as if he were about to prod Strange with it. Fiery lightning sprang between his fingers in a shower of sparks, and the stick was sliced into a dozen pieces as it came down.

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