Vita Nova

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Author: GhostIsReading

Platform: AO3

Type: Harry Potter x Hannibal

Warning: Disregards Epilogue entirely, mentions of cannibalism (because Hannibal)

Harry starts a new life in Wizarding Baltimore.


Harry first met Hannibal when he was seventeen.

He was fresh from the war, downtrodden and hiding from the Ministry who wanted him to leap straight into Auror training. Harry didn't want to be an Auror anymore, he was tired of fighting, tired of being the one that everyone looked to for the answers. He had fought and died for his country and still they continued to ask for more and more from him.

Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys demanded that he get back together with her, they wanted him to eventually marry her, to have little messy red haired children with her. Harry didn't want that. He wasn't even sure why he had gone out with her in the first place as he was pretty sure he was gay. Ron wanted Harry to join him in Auror training and Hermione wanted to go back to Hogwarts to do their NEWTs. None of them asked what he wanted. The final straw was when they tried to make him go back to his relatives until he decided whether he was going to be an Auror or do his NEWTs.

So he had left. He made amends with the Goblins, paid off his third of the fine for freeing their dragon and literally smashing though the roof of the bank. Once that was done, he asked for their help in leaving the country because clearly the British Wizarding World would not let him live his life in peace. They sent him to America, helped him set up a little café in Baltimore, the magical side of it, and got him a brand new identity.

And that was when he met Hannibal.


The bell above the door jingled as a customer stepped in. He was tall, with ash blond hair that was starting to turn silver at the front, and cheekbones that could cut through a tough steak. He was wearing a fitted muggle suit but in true wizarding fashion it was...unique. It was red paisley, bot suit jacket and trousers.

"Welcome to Vita Nova," Harry greeted the man automatically.

"New Life." The man hummed as he approached the café's counter that Harry stood behind.

"I thought it was apt." Harry shrugged. It wasn't the most original name for a café, but he liked it because it was a new life for him. "What would you like?" He asked and gestured to the blackboard above his head with a list of the different drinks and hot food that he provided. There was also a cold display case below the counter filled with sweet pastries and cakes. All handmade. He may hate the Dursleys, but he had to give some credit to his Aunt for teaching him to cook and bake.

"I think I will try one of your cherry danishes, please." The man decided after a few moments of examining the contents of the display. "Are they freshly made?"

"Yes, sir." Harry picked up a clean plate and the pair of tongs. "I made them this morning."

"That is good to hear." The man commented. "Far too many cafes sell pre-baked goods." His nose wrinkled in disgust. It was kind of cute.

"Well, no worries, I make everything myself from scratch." Harry promised him. "Would you like a drink as well?" He placed the plate with the danish on the counter.

"Surprise me." He decided after a long moment.

"Do you have any allergies?" The last thing Harry wanted to do was give someone who was lactose intolerant a drink with milk.

"No, no allergies."

"Then if you take a seat, I will bring your drink over when it is ready." Harry was already mentally leafing through all the teas he stocked. Something loose leaf, maybe one of his special blends? He had taken to making and mixing his own teas, in part because his Aunt never let him near her tea leaves when he lived with her and because he really enjoyed trying out new flavors.

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