Chapter 32

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"What the hell are you talking about?"

  Mitchell stared at Malachi then started to laugh. It was official, he was going crazy, talking to a ghost in a graveyard.

"Look, forget it. I'm going inside."

"I know this sounds crazy..."

"It is crazy! I'm going crazy!"

  Mitchell stomped away in frustration back towards the house without looking back. His mom was at work so he just went straight upstairs to his room.

  Raven was sprawled on the bed, her legs on the pillow and head down as usual.

"You have to find a new sleeping position."

  Raven blinked at him with a wide open mouth yawn. She stretched her body languidly before hopping off to rub herself against his legs. He picked her up, smiling when she licked his cheek.

"I'm good, just tired. I had a strange day."

"It's only going to get more strange."

  Malachi appeared in his room and he was giving him a peculiar look.

"I don't want to hear it."

  Mitchell went into his bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"That's not going to keep me out."

  Mitchell stripped off his clothes, leaving on his underwear. No way was he getting naked in front of him, even if he was a ghost.

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Then at least listen to me." Malachi aimed his gaze at him through the mirror. "My uncle wasn't an ordinary person. The villagers knew he was evil but chose to believe his words against mine."

"What do you mean evil?"

"He accused me of sorcery but it was actually him who had caused the problems in the village. It was the only way he knew to achieve his ultimate goal."

"Getting rid of you."

"Yes. I was the only one that he couldn't control."

"No that wasn't it. You were the only who could stop him."

  Malachi nodded his head silently then vanished. Mitchell didn't call out to him. He would show up when he was ready to talk again.

  When he was finished taking his shower, he send Markus a text. His phone began to ring a couple of minutes later.

  He answered. "What are you doing?"

  There was a shuffling sound on the other side then he heard metal clanking.

"It's going to be warm tonight,  Markus said instead. "Let's go for a swim."

"Swim? At night?" Mitchell's heart started up. "Are you sure it's safe?"

"We can go to my spot."

"Tonight? Why tonight?"

  Markus was silent for a moment.  "I want to touch you and I can't wait until tomorrow."

  Mitchell felt himself flushing at the underlying meaning. "What time are we going?"

"I'll pick you up at six."

  Mitchell heard a slight change in Markus's voice, and his pulse jumped. His voice seemed more husky and erotic.

"Your voice...sounds different."

"What do you mean?" His voice had returned to normal. 

"You sounded different a minute ago. I guess I heard wrong."

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