Chapter 47

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  Mitchell couldn't help feeling nervous during the drive to the Henderson's home. 

"Mitchell, you need to relax. We're just going to have dinner."

"You've known these people for years. I don't want to leave any bad impressions."

"You won't. Kev and Susan are right behind us."

"They've been acting strange the whole day."

  Markus glanced at him for second. "What do you mean?"

"They're acting vigilant around you."

"Yeah, well.  They've been that way since we were younger."

  Markus pulled up in front of a very beautiful house and waited for Kev to park his vehicle.

  He took Mitchell's hand as Kev and Susan got out the vehicle and walked towards them.

  They went up the steps leading to the front door.

"This a different house."

Yes it is. This is their family home. We went to their weekend home for the party last time."

"How many homes do they own?"

"Just four."

  Markus rang the doorbell, then he heard footsteps coming towards the door. Mrs. Henderson opened the door a wide smile on her face.

"Markus, so glad you guys could make it. Come on in. The others are already in the dining room."

  They made their way to the dining room. Markus came to a halt when he saw Dean and Tim talking to Cassie and Lucas.

  This was not good.

"I thought that she wouldn't invite them." Kev whispered to him.

"We just have to get through this dinner then leave."

  Markus felt Mitchell tense up when he saw who was in the room.

"Markus, nice to see you again." Cassie said, smiling at him, her heels clicking on the floor.

  She stopped just a few inches from them, looking at Mitchell. She was still looking at Mitchell, the smile gone from her face.

"This is my boyfriend, Mitchell."

  She turned her head to look at the others without a word. 

  Markus could feel the tension rise in the room. He put an arm around Mitchell's shoulders, pulling him into the comfort of his body.

  Kev and Susan came closer to stand next to him.

  Dean stepped forward, "It's nice to mean you again Mitchell. How's your mom doing?"

"She's good."

  Markus looked Mitchell then at Dean. "How do you know each other?"

"It was the first day we moved here."

  Markus looked at Dean, eyes searching his face. He knew about Mitchell since day one. He knew that he had found his mate but tried to hinder him.

"Now that everyone is here. Dinner can be served." Mrs. Henderson entered the room with her husband holding her hand. 

"Markus why don't you sit down next to me. Mitchell will sit next to you."

"I expect a cordial and relaxed dinner." Mr. Henderson stared around the table.

  When everyone was seated, the servers brought out their food. 

  Conversation wasn't limited but Markus really didn't want to interact with the others, especially with Cassie and Lucas. Tim barely spoke.

"Next week is your birthday." Mr. Henderson stated as he took a sip from his wine glass.

  Markus didn't want to discuss his birthday celebration in front of everyone. 

"It is. I'm going to have a small get together."

"Well, I'm sure your parents will be fine with your plans."

"It was their idea actually."

  Dinner couldn't pass by fast enough. After dinner Markus excused himself to go to the bathroom. 

"I'm going with you." Mitchell told him, standing up to follow him. He followed him to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them. 

"Did you enjoy dinner?"

"It was good. The atmosphere not so much."

"Sorry about that."

"I'm just ready to leave. Tim has been eye raping you since you walk through the door."

"I didn't notice."

  Markus wasn't lying.

"I did. I wanted to reach across the table and rip his eyes out but I held myself back."

"You're a very violent person." Markus wrapped his arms around him as they stared at each other in the mirror.

"Only when it comes to you." Mitchell turned in his arms, reaching up to wrap his arms around his neck, to pull his head down and kissed him.

  Markus pressed him closer to his body, deepening the kiss as he lifted him onto the countertop of the sink. Mitchell put his legs around his hips so he could rub himself against his hardness.

"We're not at home Mitchell. We can't deface our hosts bathroom."

"The door is locked. It won't take long."

  Mitchell untucked  his shirt from his pants, touching his warm flesh. Markus felt his touch send fire through him and he shivered at the sensation.

  Mitchell unbuttoned his pants, slipping his hand inside to grab his erection.

  Markus moaned into his mouth, pushing his erection deeper into his hand. He leaned away to push his pants and boxers to his ankles. Mitchell removed his legs to unbutton his pants, letting  it fall down to his ankles. 

  Markus led him to the gray settee to lay down on his back, using his knee to keep Mitchell's legs open. Markus laid down between his legs so that their cocks were touching and started to grind his hips down on Mitchell's, using one hand to grip his hip tightly. Using his other hand to hold his face so he could kiss him.

  Feeling himself getting close to his orgasm, Markus felt his skin heating up but couldn't bring himself to stop.

  Mitchell cried out softly when his hands touched Markus's back so he could grind harder on him. He was so close. He could feel his spine tingling as his orgasm built.

  Nothing, but moans were heard in the room. Breathy moans as they got closer and closer to their release. Mitchell was the first to orgasm, legs shaking. Markus came after him, placing small kisses on his neck and face.

"Markus, you're burning up."

"I'm fine. Don't move."

  Mitchell kept still, giving him time to gather himself. His body was still hot but Mitchell just stayed there. Minutes passed before he could no longer feel that burning heat.

"Are you okay now?"

"I'm fine. Stay here." Markus got up and walked to the sink, he heard a cabinet door close before he returned with wipes in his hands. Markus cleaned their bodies off, removing semen before it dried.

 "We should get dress."

  They fixed their clothes and washed their hands before exiting the bathroom.

"I guess you really needed to use the bathroom." Kev was smirking at him. 

"Shut up."

"We can leave if you're ready."

"I'm ready." Mitchell said swinging their clasped hands to the door.

"Why did they leave?"

"I think you know the reason. Your scent was getting too intoxicating." 

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