Chapter 71

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  Mitchell paced the living-room as his nerves wound tighter than a nylon string. He couldn't keep still knowing Markus was out there somewhere alone with God knows who holding him captive.

  Tia and the others were discussing where Markus might have disappeared while Susan was upstairs talking to Malachi.

"We need a plan." Mitchell sat down on the couch but got back up again to pace the room.

"Don't worry Mitchell. We'll find him."

  Mitchell stop pacing to look at Chris with his head tilted to the side, hands fisted at his side as he stared at him.

"Why are we still here? We need to be out there looking for him."

"We have no idea where he is. Or who kidnapped him." Tom chipped in.

  Mitchell gritted his teeth while looking around the room at them. He began to flick his fingers one by one as though he was trying to calm himself. He closed his eyes as images of Markus being touched and kissed by his unknown kidnapper burned like acid in his stomach.

"Mitchell, he's fine. You need to calm down."

  Mitchell opened his eyes to look at them, fingers flickering rapidly. "I want him back by my side where he belongs! No one has the right to take my mate away from me!" Mitchell yelled.

  Somewhere in the house was the sound of glass shattering followed by doors slamming shut. Footsteps pounded down the stairs and Susan and Kev entered the room.

"What's going on here?"

"His powers are awakening." Susan told them. "You guys need to keep him calm until we find Markus."

  Tia got up from the couch, walked towards Mitchell and grabbed his hands. "His hands are freezing." She gasped.

"This wasn't supposed to happen until his birthday." Malachi appeared in the room, staring at Mitchell.

"Why is it happening now?" Tom asked.

"His mate is missing. That's triggering his powers to awaken."

  Mitchell glanced around the room, his eyes now the color of cool icy blue crystal. Faint jolts began shaking the ground under their feet and all eight turned their heads to look at Mitchell.

  Instead of focusing around, his gaze seemed distorted from reality. The shakes got more stronger, sharper.

"Shit! Mitchell calm down." Kev looked at Susan. "What are we going to do? I've never seen him like this before."

"I have an idea." Tia got up from the couch. She walked up to Susan, taking her hands in her own.

"What are you doing?"

"You're a psychic. Kev run upstairs and get me a clothing that belongs to Markus. Tom, Chris take Mitchell into the kitchen for now.

  Kev rushed upstairs to Markus's room and came sprinting down with a shirt in his hand. He handed the clothing to Tia who gave it to Susan.

"Take a seat, close your eyes and inhale deeply."

  Susan followed her instructions without asking any questions.

"What exactly are you doing?" Kev asked.

"We need to find Markus and Susan is the only one that can help with that."

  Susan's eyes began flickering behind her closed eyelids, while her fingers gripped Markus's shirt tightly.

  Words fell from her mouth but incomprehensible. Her head shook from side to side with force that Kev had to hold her body still.

"What's happening to her?"

"She's okay. Look, it's working."

  Susan opened her eyes, eyes that were unfocused and milky white. She got up, still clutching Markus's shirt and walked to the front door.

"Pamela call the others. Tell them we need to leave now."

"What about Mitchell?"

"He's coming with us."

"Make sure nothing happens to Markus."

  Tia turned to Malachi. "Nothing will happen to him."

"For our sake, I hope you're right."

  They all piled into their vehicles, Mitchell riding with Tia, Susan and Kev.

"How will you know the direction she wants us to take?"

"Look at her hand."

  Kev glanced at Susan's right hand, her fingers pointing out each direction. For an hour they drove, following Susan's direction until they reached a section of the forest they've never seen before. Susan hit her fisted hand on the dashboard and Tia braked the car.

  Susan got out the vehicle to walk towards the forest. Everyone quickly exited their vehicles to tag along with her. Mitchell had eventually calmed down, his eyes now back to their normal color. He, along with Pamela and Chris brought up the rear.

  Mitchell's pulse rate heightened as they entered a clearing that had a stone pile in the middle. There was a rippling pulse in the air, the closer they walked to the stone pile.

"Can you feel that?" Mitchell asked the others. He reached out a hand toward the ripple but it shocked him.

"Mitchell, be careful. We don't know what this is or why it was placed here." Susan warned him. Her eyes were back to their honey brown color.

"How are you feeling?" Kev asked placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Just a headache." Susan glanced around in confusion. "Why are we in the woods?"

"Don't you remember what happened?"

"No, I don't."

  Mitchell leaned closer to inspect the faint rippling. It almost looked like a wall with high voltage electricity running through it.

"It's a rippling effect that sends a shockwave through my body, but it's not painful." He told them.

  Mitchell walked along the wall away from the others until he could barely feel the electric ripple. He put a hand out toward the ripple, this time it didn't shock him. It was more of a tingle.

"I think we can go through here. It doesn't have a high voltage at all."

"Someone should stay and be the lookout. Just incase we need help from the outside."

"I'll stay behind." Tom volunteered.

"Me too." Dan

  Mitchell turned to Dan, not surprised that he would also volunteer to stay behind with Tom. He had noticed more than once, their close intimate connection. But he guessed no one else seemed aware of this except Tom and Dan.

"Okay. The rest of us will enter to search for Markus. Be careful out here. Keep each other safe." Mitchell glanced at the two giving them a knowing look.

  Both exchanged looks before nodding their heads at him. Mitchell turned back to rippling pulse and without any hesitation stepped through this unknown ripple. As he passed through, his body felt as though it was being pricked by needles.

  When he finally passed that barrier into an empty room, he took a deep breath. The others materialized in the room a few seconds later.

"What is this place?" Tracy asked looking around the room. Its wall were painted blood red with black markings.

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